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The following pages provide links to other resources relating to pregnancy loss and pregnancy-related problems. We hope that you will find them of use.


The links below will open in a new tab to external sites. The site you move to may contain images of babies and pregnancy which you might find upsetting at this time.

The Miscarriage Association is not and cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or quality of material in linked resources, nor do we necessarily share views or opinions expressed. New sites appear every day, largely unchecked and unregulated and it can be difficult to assess their value. The Miscarriage Association will do its best to avoid links to sites which are clearly inaccurate, biased, product-linked or potentially offensive.

Do remember that different countries may have different definitions of miscarriage, use different terminology and offer differing care, investigations or treatment. Similarly there are likely to be inconsistencies between the advice and information given by different health professionals or other information providers.  U.S. sites are at the end of this list.

The baby mailing preference service – where you can register to stop baby-related mailings

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

SANDS: Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society – UK charity which provides support and information on stillbirth and neonatal death

ARC Antenatal results and choices – a national charity offering non-directive information and support to parents before, during and after antenatal screening; when they are told their baby has an anomaly; when they are making difficult decisions about continuing with or ending a pregnancy, and when they are coping with complex and painful issues after making a decision, including bereavement.

Fertility Network UK – a national charity for those experiencing fertility problems, offering face-to-face and telephone support and information at regional and national level.

The UK Polycystic Ovary Support Group

Endometriosis UK 

The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists – a site containing useful information, articles and professional guidelines

At a Loss  – a UK bereavement signposting website, where you can search from over 1000 services listed, an extensive library of resources and information, helplines and find the support you need wherever you live, whatever your age or circumstances of your loss.

Petals – a charity offering specialist counselling after pregnancy or baby loss.

Pregnancy Sickness Support – a charity offering support and information on pregnancy sickness and Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

Scottish Care and Information on Miscarriage (SCIM) – Providing counselling for miscarriage, neonatal death and stillbirth

Asherman’s Syndrome – information and support for and from people suffering from Asherman’s Syndrome

molarpregnancy.co.uk – detailed information on molar pregnancy and links to personal stories.

Hydatidiform Mole and Choriocarcinaoma UK information and Support Service

MyMolarPregnancy –   a private Facebook group for those experiencing molar pregnancy.

APS Support UK – a site offering support and information on antiphospholipid syndrome.

The Twins Trust –  supports parents of twins and multiples, also has a bereavement group for parents who lose one of more of their babies during pregnancy or at or after birth.

Muslim Bereavement Support Service – offers support to women who have experienced loss.

Unique – rare chromosome disorder support group

The Patients’ Association – guidance on patients’ rights, improving medical services, how to complain etc.

Samaritans – here 24 hours a day.  Freephone tel: 116123

The Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington

The Association of Early Pregnancy Units – information about local clinics and guidelines for hospitals and health professionals

BabyCentre – similar to the above, this is a UK version of the US babycenter.com

Catholic Miscarriage Support – advice on prayer and liturgy.

CHANA – Chana offers support to couples dealing with fertility issues in the Jewish Community

Jewish Women’s Aid – run by and for Jewish women

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy – a register of trained and accredited counsellors

The UK Council for Psychotherapy – national register of psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors

Therapy Directory – a directory of complementary therapists in the UK.

Fertility Friends – a UK site that can offer support for women and couples who have experienced both pregnancy loss and infertility

Hypnotherapy Directory – directory of registered hypnotherapists in the UK

Mothers 35 Plus – information and resources for older mothers, older mothers-to-be and would-be older mothers

Tommy’s – the site of the UK charity which funds research into prematurity, pre-eclampsia and miscarriage

Pregnancy ChoicesA Swindon-based charity offering support after pregnancy loss.

Women’s Aidthe UK charity offering support and advice on domestic violence

Women’s Health Information – run by a doctor, general health info site including information on fertility and miscarriage

SHARE -U.S. organisation offering free support materials and support groups (in person and online) to people who’ve experienced miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, stillbirth or infant loss. Also run memorial services through out the year.

babies remembered– U.S. A. website of writer Sherokee Ilse, offering support, referrals and resources after pregnancy or infant loss.

The American Pregnancy Association – a national non-profit health organization committed to promoting reproductive and pregnancy wellness. US site for women needing support for a potential miscarriage complication.

International Council on Infertility Information and Dissemination – U.S. site giving info and advice on infertility and related issues