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Elsie’s story: young people and miscarriage

Elsie had a miscarriage when she was 16. She talks about the stigma attached to going through a loss at a young age, and how she remembers her daughter.

Losing a baby after being pregnant at such a young age is not spoken about at all. It’s awful... I feel like a part of me is missing.

Hello, my name is Elsie.

I’m young, so you might not understand my story, but that is why I am passionate on sharing it.

I’m 17 now, but lost my daughter to a miscarriage when I was 16.

She was going to be the light of my life during a tough time.

She was not planned, so it came as a shock when I went to the doctors for a urine infection and came back with a positive pregnancy test.

Losing a baby after being pregnant at such a young age is not spoken about at all. It’s awful – the stigma is so bad!

Baby loss is bad at any age.

I feel like a part of me is missing, but I can’t talk about it as I shouldn’t have even been pregnant in the first place.

Now everything I do, like travelling and my achievements in sport, is for her! I live in her memory.

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