Second trimester loss after a miscarriage
21st June 2021
Anna shares her story of miscarriage at 12 weeks followed by the loss of her daughter, Blossom, at 18 weeks.
The latest news from the Miscarriage Association
21st June 2021
Anna shares her story of miscarriage at 12 weeks followed by the loss of her daughter, Blossom, at 18 weeks.
21st June 2021
Ainsleigh shares a poem in which she describes her experience by thanking those that helped her through.
1st June 2021
Sarah talks about why she became a support group volunteer for the Miscarriage Association.
19th May 2021
Brett shares his experience of being a media volunteer for the Miscarriage Association.
18th May 2021
Helen shares her experience of having a miscarriage during the coronavirus pandemic, with a detailed description of the physical loss.
11th May 2021
Vanshika, aged 8 and a half, wrote this poem to express her feelings about losing a sibling, after her mum experienced a molar pregnancy.
5th May 2021
Emily shares her story of having a missed miscarriage, which happened during the coronavirus pandemic. She talks about her feelings and experiencing flashbacks.
21st April 2021
Natalie shares her story of finding out she was pregnant and then miscarrying in the space of 48 hours.
21st April 2021
Alex shares a poem she wrote about the devastation she felt after finding out she’d had a missed miscarriage.