Brett’s story
9th October 2020
Brett shares his experience of opening up about his losses and how talking has helped him.
The latest news from the Miscarriage Association
9th October 2020
Brett shares his experience of opening up about his losses and how talking has helped him.
9th October 2020
John reflects on his and his wife’s second miscarriage and the impact of not sharing their loss or his sadness and pain with those around him.
9th October 2020
Sarah shares her story of miscarriage, the isolation and loneliness she felt and its impact on her mental health.
9th October 2020
Michaela reflects on the loneliness she felt after the loss of her son, Zachary and how friendship and people listening and not trying to fix her, helped her through.
9th October 2020
Caroline describes her seventh loss, following her miracle baby, as one of the one of the most horrific and lonely experiences of her life. CBT and her support group helped her through.
7th October 2020
Here, Michelle shares her poem.
29th September 2020
Sophie describes how her miscarriage happened very suddenly and also shares how her and her husband supported each other afterwards.
29th September 2020
Sarah was moved to write a poem after experiencing a miscarriage after undergoing a round of IVF. She hopes that it might resonate with other people going through something similar.
10th September 2020
Sarah experienced recurrent losses in two different workplaces, and found much more support and understanding in the second of the two.