Finding our way
25th April 2018
Liz shares her poem, which she wrote after experiencing 8 miscarriages.
The latest news from the Miscarriage Association
25th April 2018
Liz shares her poem, which she wrote after experiencing 8 miscarriages.
2nd April 2018
Cathy shares her story of being pregnant after 3 losses, including a molar pregnancy.
2nd April 2018
Angie shares how she felt being pregnant after 2 losses.
2nd April 2018
Nicola had multiple miscarriages and shares how she felt during her pregnancies.
2nd April 2018
Rebecca writes about her pregnancy following a miscarriage at 18 weeks.
2nd April 2018
Sally had 6 losses, including an ectopic pregnancy and writes about coping with her feelings during her pregnancies.
2nd April 2018
Donna shares how the experience of 3 miscarriages affected her during her following pregnancies.
2nd April 2018
Claire had multiple miscarriages and writes about how she dealt with anxiety during her pregnancies.
2nd April 2018
Kathryn writes about the range of emotions she felt when pregnant after 4 miscarriages.