Miscarriage of our IVF pregnancy
5th October 2016
Mel shares her feelings when her girlfriend’s IVF pregnancy miscarried at 14 weeks.
The latest news from the Miscarriage Association
5th October 2016
Mel shares her feelings when her girlfriend’s IVF pregnancy miscarried at 14 weeks.
5th October 2016
Peter shares his feelings of shock, distress and helplessness after the diagnosis of early miscarriage.
5th October 2016
Nikhil describes coping with his wife’s second miscarriage, and feelings of anxiety, distress and loneliness.
5th October 2016
Mike talks about his wife’s recurrent miscarriages, medical and natural management, and pregnancy after loss.
5th October 2016
In a video uploaded to Facebook, fifteen-year-old Kirstie tells the story of the late loss of her son Jacob.
5th October 2016
Letti talks about how she coped with miscarrying twins when she was 25
5th October 2016
Zoe shares her joy, thoughts and dreams when her pregnancy is confirmed and how these feelings change when she then miscarries.
5th October 2016
Lindsay lost her son Lucas sixteen weeks into her pregnancy. Here she shares her story.
5th October 2016
Keri shares her experience of conservative (natural) management. She describes the physical process of passing her baby and her uncertainty about what to do next.