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Sarah’s story: being a support group volunteer

It is so rewarding using my experience to help others... I am so grateful that something so negative has led to me being a part of something so positive.

I started volunteering with the Miscarriage Association around 3 and a half years ago. I began going to the support groups to receive support for my own miscarriage that I had experienced 5 years prior. I had never met anyone around my age that had experienced baby loss before. Meeting women and couples that had been through the same thing was so validating. I had also never been offered support, so finding out about the M.A was a huge relief. After attending for a few months, an opportunity became available and I started volunteering as a support group leader. It is so rewarding using my experience to help others.

Miscarriage is such a unique form of grief and those who have not been through it can sometimes find it hard to fully understand the enormity of the impact it can have on your life. Therefore, it can be a very isolating experience. During the pandemic these feelings of isolation have increased. Many people who come to our groups are so grateful to meet others going through a similar thing.

Moving to Zoom from in-person meetings took some adjusting to, but it has had its advantages. I have had people attend from all over the UK and even different countries! It is so nice to see that our support reaches far and wide.

Currently, I run two support groups via Zoom and also help with the out of hours call service. I absolutely love my role with the M.A.. I am so grateful that something so negative has led to me being a part of something so positive.