Forget-me-not meadow no 14
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

Our precious Baby Bell born asleep on 26/07/2011 at 16:55.
An angel in the book of life wrote down our baby’s birth,
and whispered as she closed the book,
“too beautiful for earth”
Mummy & Daddy love you to the moon and back angel,
Sleep tight little one, sweet dreams x
In the meantime all gather together round me and shed your light on me and your brother/sister and help them grow healthy inside of me. On this day 27th july 09 our first star was taken from us, and slowly one by one the rest of you followed.**** We will never forget any of youLove Mummy & Daddy xxx
Both my Angels left me too soon.
My Bundle of Joy at 13w 4d (07/05/2009)
and my Ray of Hope at 9w (18/07/2011).
Miss you both dearly- you’re always in my heart.
Until we meet again.
All min kjaerlighet,
Love Mummy x x x
I love you. I am so sorry I couldn’t show you this world. I miss you and I will never forget you. Mummy loves you my darling.
love you always and forever x x
Our 2 stars in the sky, taken from us at 6 weeks august 2008 and at 10 weeks august 2011, love you always.
Mummy and daddy xxxx
I love you so so so much and think about you all the time.
We found out you were growing at 5 weeks and for the following 6 weeks, you could not wipe the smile off of my face. You, my baby are all that I have ever wanted.
I stroked you, and talked to you, and loved you and dreamed about you and I couldn’t wait to meet you. And though no solid plans were made, I had the year laid out and I desperately could not wait for 19th January, your due date.When there was no heartbeat, my heart broke, as did Chris’s. And they are still two broken hearts.
I know my mum is looking after you, and that my love for you both will never fade.
Sending all my love, thoughts and cuddles to you, my sweet.
xxxxxxxx Love your mummy, jess xxxxxxxx
i do not want to say goodbye, it’s too hard when i never got to say hello. God decided he wanted you back on july 18th. and i miss you every day. mommy and daddy think of you every day. i can’t wait until i can finally hold you in heaven. i miss you my sweet baby, mommy loves you very much
I will never forget you, even though i didn’t watch you grow
You’re in my thoughts every day
I just wish the pain would go away.
God, please take care of my little one
Let my wee angel find its home
We love you and miss you all the time
Rest in peace little angel of mine.
From the moment I knew you was growing inside me I Loved you! Me and Daddy had so many plans for you but we had to say good bye so that you can sit on your star and shine down on us! Always in my heart and never forgotten Love always Mommy xxx
My darling Shim,
I found out I was going to be you mummy when I was 5 weeks pregnant, but then your tiny heart stopped at 6 weeks 6 days. Yours stopped beating, mine broke into a million pieces. I may never have got to hold you and tell you that you I love you and that you are my world, but you are. I will never forget you. You made me a Mummy. I love you always xxxxx
We will never get to name you, or watch you sleep for a while.
We will never get to cuddle you or push you in your pram, We will never get to read to you or watch you grow BUT we will always love you and we think that’s something you already know.
From the moment we found out about you we were so happy, we didn’t want to say goodbye.
Heaven now has our angel ‘Baby Booth’ to watch over us forever, one day our little baby we will meet you until then Mammy & Daddy will look to the stars and the brightest one shining we will know is you.
Sleep tight ‘Baby Booth’ gone but never forgotten 18/08/2011=
due Aug 25th 2010
lost Dec 23 2010
Mommy and daddy love and miss you!Don’t let them say, I wasn’t born
That something stopped my heart
I felt each tender squeeze you gave
I’ve loved you from the start.
Although my body you can’t hold,
It doesn’t mean I’m gone.
This world was worthy, not, of me
God chose that I move on.
I know the pain that drowns your soul,
What you are forced to face.
You have my word, I’ll fill your arms
Someday we will embrace.
You’ll hear that it was “meant to be,
God doesn’t make mistakes”
But that won’t soften your worst blow..
Or make your heart not ache.
I’m watching over all you do,
another child you’ll bear.
Believe me when I say to you,
That I am always there.
There will come a time, I promise you
When you will hold my hand,
Stroke my face and kiss my lips
And then you’ll understand.
Although, I’ve never breathed your air,
Or gazed into your eyes..
That doesn’t mean I never “was”
An Angel Never Dies……..
Baby Smith born sleeping on 02.07.1984 at 14 weeks.
You are forever in my thoughts and prayers my little angel.
I love you and miss you lots. Love mammy x
I never held you but I feel you, we never spoke but I hear you, I knew got to know you, but I love you. You’re my lost little angel, a part of me that I never got to greet. I had visions of you, your tiny little hands and feet.
I hope you know I think about you every single day, I guess god realised how special you were and took you back to stay. I kept you in my tummy if only for a little while and when i thought about you growing it really made me smile. I never got to know if you were a little he or she, but whatever you turned out you would of been the world to me. People always told me that it just wasn’t meant to be – looking from the outside it’s clear what they would see. I know I was a little young, but age is just a number and to me all that it meant was I’d get to love you for longer. Sometimes I think about how big you’d be now, and how different things would be if my little baby was around. I hope you’re having fun my angel with all your little friends, if it’s part of god’s plan I hope one day we’ll get to meet again.
In the meantime little one you’re in my thoughts forever, and I know deep down your somewhere much better. Lots of love always, your mummy xxxxx
So sad and sorry that you stopped growing. I wish so much that you had been able to see the world and meet us in it. I was so happy when I had you, and I miss you so much. Love you always, mum & dad
You had stopped growing at 5wks and 4 days but you were with me right until 26/8/11 when we had to say goodbye.
Fede gave you a kiss every day and night and he also gave you a big kiss to take with you to La Luna.
Mummy can’t stop thinking of you.
We are sending besos to you every night when you are in bed.
We love and miss you so much, Mama y Fede xxx
If tears could build a stairway and love could build a lane
We would walk right up to heaven and take you back again.
We were so looking forward to meeting you and holding you.
We will never ever forget you.
Love you lots Mummy, Daddy and your big brother.
to my little star who slipped away from us at 9 weeks on the 23/03/11
just wished i had the chance to hold you and to look into your eyes to cuddle you and kiss you goodnight. mummy n daddy miss you so much think about you every minute of the day. sweet dream baby you are up there being looked after by your great grandad love you both loads…
mummy n daddy <3
To my little one, due on 08/09/11
I may not have known you long but for the time I did you made me the happiest I’ve ever been. I literally could not stop smiling thinking about you. I longed so badly for you and it hurts me so bad every single day that you are no longer with me. I will love you always and I will never ever forget you. One day we will be reunited but until then sleep tight my little angel.
Love your Mummy Jo. xxx
No one in the world will ever know how much I prayed to have you, and how happy you made me, even if it was just for 9 weeks and 2 small days. You will always be in my heart, and I will never forget, how you were going to change my life. Your big brother will never know you and neither will I, but you will always be a special little star in the sky. Goodbye mummy’s little bean, I wish i could have watched you grow and kissed your head goodnight xxx
Baby April,
You would have been nearly 5 months old by now, and you would have been beautiful. I’m so sorry my body couldn’t carry you. Sleep tight my precious little one. Mummy will always love you. xxx
My little baby,
I wanted you so much, it was the most amazing surprise that morning, finding out you were inside me!
I will never forget your daddys face, when he told me. Even though i only knew you for 3weeks, i loved you so much.
Be safe playing with your big brother Jayden.
I am so sorry.
All my love
Your mummy xxx
away from us. I wish we could of watched you grow inside my tummy and bring
you into this world we live in. We will never forget our first baby, you
will always b in our thoughts. Love always mummy and daddy x x x
Im so so sorry for not speaking to you all this time.
I have been going through so mutch since i lost you.
My heart is broken in two from the memorys i had of you.
even though i didnt know what you looked like , you was a part of me , i had so many plans for us.
Me you and your daddy.
I know you will be looking over us my little angel x ,
Im sorry i never had the chance to see you or hear you for the first time.
The docters said my time will come , so im hoping soon you will have a little baby brother or sister.
Now im greifing for you my little angel, after 10 months it still hurts.
I just want this pain to stop.
I never did grief properly for you so now i am.
I will see you 1 day angel , sleep tight my sweetness , mummy and daddy love you so so mutch , we will never forget you.
You will allways be in our hearts forever and always.
7/10/10 my little cherrub was sleeping tightly .
Love you Angel xxxxx RIP xxxxx
For my beautiful baby, Who I never got to meet.
I didn’t know you were there until it was too late,
But that doesn’t meen the pain is any less.
I will always love and miss you.
Forever remembering the 14 weeks that you spent growing inside of me.
I will never forget about you my little one
Love you
From Mummy xxxx
Baby Lancaster, 9/9/11
The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn’t bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we long for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts
Says of our love for you.
Forever in our hearts
Mummy, Daddy & Caitlin
You were taken by the angels on 12.9.11
We miss you both so much, and we are sad that we never got to hold and kiss you Mummy and Daddy will never ever forget you and think about you every minute of the day You are both forever in our hearts, until we meet again one dayLove you always
Mummy & Daddy
Emma & Paul x x
Baby Lancaster, 9/9/11
The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn’t bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we long for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts
Says of our love for you.
Forever in our hearts
Mummy, Daddy & Caitlin
I didn’t know you were there until it was too late,
But that doesn’t mean the pain is any less.
I will always love and miss you.
Forever remembering the 14 weeks that you spent growing inside of me.
I will never forget about you my little one
Love you
From Mummy xxxx
I’m so so sorry for not speaking to you all this time.
I have been going through so much since i lost you.
My heart is broken in two from the memories i had of you.
Even though i didn’t know what you looked like , you was a part of me , i had so many plans for us.
Me you and your daddy.
I know you will be looking over us my little angel x ,
I’m sorry i never had the chance to see you or hear you for the first time.
The doctors said my time will come, so I’m hoping soon you will have a little baby brother or sister.
Now I’m grieving for you my little angel, after 10 months it still hurts.
I just want this pain to stop.
I never did grief properly for you so now i am.
I will see you 1 day angel, sleep tight my sweetness, mummy and daddy love you so so much, we will never forget you.
You will always be in our hearts forever and always.
7/10/10 my little cherub was sleeping tightly.
Love you Angel xxxxx RIP xxxxx
I wanted you so much, it was the most amazing surprise that morning, finding out you were inside me!
I will never forget your daddy’s face, when he told me. Even though i only knew you for 3weeks, i loved you so much.
Be safe playing with your big brother Jayden.
I am so sorry.
All my love
Your mummy xxx23/08/10 & 05/09/11
You would have been nearly 5 months old by now, and you would have been beautiful. I’m so sorry my body couldn’t carry you. Sleep tight my precious little one. Mummy will always love you. xxx