Forget-me-not meadow no 15
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

You were taken by the angels on 12.9.11
We miss you both so much, and we are sad that we never got to hold and kiss you Mummy and Daddy will never ever forget you and think about you every minute of the day You are both forever in our hearts, until we meet again one dayLove you always
Mummy & Daddy
Emma & Paul x x
To My Precious Baby….
I miss you so much. We never got to meet, but since that horrible day in February, my heart has been empty. We were so excited when we found out about you, you had made our world complete. The day you left us was the worse day of our lives, the saddest and hardest. Please Grandad look after our precious angel. I couldn’t keep you safe but I know you will be safe where you are now. Grandad give my angel a big hug and a kiss from me. I love you so much and one day we will meet again and shine down on the world together as mummy, daddy and baby. Lots of love your loving parents xxxxxx
My dear angel,
Mummy is so sad that you left her 3 weeks ago at 8 week & 4 days August 29th 2011.
You were due 04/06/2012 but I’ll never hold you in my arm, I knew I love you the day I found out I was waiting for you.
I’ll never know if you were a boy or a girl but for me you’re always my special angel.
Your mammy will always miss & thinking about you.
We are sending you lots of kisses, your mummy, Daddy & your big sister Maria Sheonah
To my little Pip
I will never forget you, I will always miss you.
Mummy xxx
And took you ever so high,
To look all over heaven,
As mummy said good bye
I loved you from the day I knew,
Your little tiny self,
Your impact on my life so great,
With tears and fears risen,
You see my little Angel,
There is one thing that I know,
That god took you for a reason,
One we’ll never know
Mummy’s faith in one thing,
Is the day the Angels came,
My heart did break that morning,
Followed by the pain
I put my trust in god that day,
To remember all we did,
To save the lasting memory,
Of mummy’s little one.So when Angels call to mummy,
I know I’m not alone x
gone but never ever to be forgotten,
my first xxx
My little bambino
When seeing that thin blue line,
My heart skipped a beat knowing you were inside me.
Just after 8 weeks, you couldn’t hold on.
My heart sank as they told me “there’s no heartbeat”
Where did My Little Bambino go.. i need you here with me.
I will love you always My Little bambino xx
Our bambino will always in our hearts.
Due 05 September 2011
Mummy & Daddy misses you loads x
Baby Pip
From the moment we found out we were expecting you, you were loved in an instant. As the weeks passed our hopes grew. The day we found out you had been taken from us broke our hearts into a million pieces.
You will always be with us, we think about you every day and I know you will never be forgotten, you were our dream come true xxx
You are at peace now, forever sleeping x there will not be one day that goes by when we will not think of you Pippin x
Goodbye our little angel
All our love always
Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxxxxxxx
March 2011- My precious petal – you gave me the best surprise I could have ever wanted- after trying for such a long time- you finally gave us both such excitement and hope. We couldn’t wait to see you on a scan to make it all feel real but, never had the chance as you were taken away before we could share our joy with anyone. I think about you every day- in a few days’ time you were due to be born – I can’t believe I would have been a mom – I miss you with all my heart – I’m sorry I couldn’t carry you and hold you in my arms. You will never be forgotten –
Mom & Dad xxxxxxx
I am so sorry that you did not get to be all that you could have been.
You would have been born into a Family full of love and we were so happy to be having you.
You have changed our lives forever and will never be forgotten.
You will always have a space in mine and your Dads hearts. x
We miss you so much. For 13 weeks we suffered, but we felt it was worth it so that you could be a part of our family. After family prayer each night Joshua, Hannah, and David would each give you a hug. We already loved you so much. We won’t get to meet you next March (2012) but maybe we still will someday. After President Uchtdorf’s “Forget Me Not” talk I knew this was the way to remember you. Bye Lizzie.
Baby RC
you were only mine for a few weeks but you were the best thing to happen to me
you were a big surprise, i think about you every day how loved you would have been
you will always be in mine and daddy’s heart forever
my life seems lost without you
love you forever my baby xxx
It’s been a year since we found out we were expecting you, you were only with us 11 weeks, we loved you so very very much x we still do! Not a day goes past without you being thought about. Some days I smile, some days I cry but I promise you, you will always be in my heart I’ll never forget the short time you were with mummy and daddy xx
Watch over your big sister and brother.
Mummy and Daddy will never forget you.
who left this world on the 2nd of October 2011
She was 8 weeks gestation.
Aaliah i am so sorry i lost you, i should have paid more attention to myself and the signs you were trying to send me. you have changed my life forever and taught me how precious life really is. I will NEVER forget you. you have a piece of my heart. I Love you more than anything in this world. Sweet dreams my Baby girl, you are now my Guardian Angel. Until we meet again xox
Love your mother, Amy Yorke
To my dearest sleeping angel:
We know your heart had already gone
Which already feels like far too long
In my heart, you will always remain
Hopefully time will help dull the pain
Find your brother/sister in meadow number nine
And laugh,play,sing like you’re not bound by time
See you in the next world, until then, I will long to cuddle you my sleeping angel
x All our love, Mummy, Daddy, Harry & Alfie x
Baby Briggs due 09/05/12, sadly lost 8wks 5days 03/10/11
It will be a year on 20th Oct 11, when we lost you. You will never be forgotten.
Love Mommy, Daddy and big brother Callum xx
Baby Schulze/Lord
You were taken too early and we did not even get the chance to say goodbye.
They say time is a healer, but you will be remembered every day.
For just those few
I had you to myself.
And that seems too short a time.
Take care my baby and we all hope to meet you one day
Lots and lots of love Mummy, Daddy, Demi and Molly xx
Baby Pip,
From the moment we knew you were growing in mummy’s tummy we loved you, our first grandchild.
The day we found out that you had left us our world fell apart.
You will live in our hearts for ever little one. Nite nite God bless Pippin.
Nana and Grandad.
i will miss and love you for the rest of time.
i had you for thirteen weeks, and although you are no longer with me, you will be in my heart and thoughts forever. i love you my little one.
mummy xXx
We never got to meet you, cuddle you or kiss you but the amount of love we have for you we can’t describe in words. A day hasn’t passed where we haven’t thought about you. Love you Baby Bov. Love you Millions Mummy, Daddy and big sister Olivia. xxx
“gone from this earth, it’s so sad and unfair, but you’ll be in our hearts always, you can’t be taken from there ”
love you baby,
mammy & daddy x x x x
6/7/2004 @ 14 weeks and 19/10/2011 @ 6 weeks xxx
watch you sleep, make friends & grow.
Not a moment in the day goes by,
where I don’t miss you so.From the moment you existed,
began to grow inside of me.
You held a special place within my heart, and forever there you’ll be.
Your Mama loves you with every fibre of her being. Rest in peace my little angel, until we meet again x=
To Aiden “little fire” – although 11 weeks I thought you would be a boy so I gave you this name.
You are missed and we loved you lots.
Love Mummy, Daddy and big brother Tom xxx
We will always love you, never forget you.
You will be forever in our hearts we love you so much.
God bless you, little ones.
You was taken from us at 22 weeks and 2 days on the 13th October 2011.
you was going to be the first brother to your beautiful sisters, abi + charley and your was our first son.
You was wanted so much my little angel, Now i can only look at the memories of us as a family.We miss you so much harry, rest in peace with all the other little angels.
Love mummy and daddy xx
This is a message to my little bean that I sadly never got to know.
I liked Rocko or Rudy. Your mum liked Gabe or Rudy. Whatever your name would have been you meant the world to us. Your mums radiance and beauty was something very special with you inside her. I kissed her belly, said hello and held her tightly.
Without you your mum is lost. She had a purpose, motherhood was the making of her, something that came so naturally. I’ve never seen her so contented and happy you were there.
I want you to know that no matter how small you were that you were loved very much. I was so looking forward to bouncing you on my knee all day long.
Well goodnight my sweetheart, you will always be in our hearts and in our thoughts.
Sweet dreams my baby xxxxx
Matt & Mo.
love too you always my little angel, mummy ?
1st September 2011 was such and still is a special day to me.
It was the day I did my pregnancy test and it was to be the best day of my life as it was confirmed that I was expecting you.
Every day I looked in the mirror and in the shape of my body, I saw you, dreamed you and most of all loved you I couldn’t believe that I was to become a mother and I was so looking forward to it and most of all to seeing you.
I wrote down in my journal all about my feelings for you, from morning sickness to buying all the right foods to eat and to what I would like to name you (Gabriel or Rudie) this was one of the many exciting parts of my pregnancy and still to this day I have or had no idea if you were to be my baby boy or baby girl.
2nd October 2011, Nine weeks pregnant, you and I were so well and then 5th October 2011 you were taken from me.
All my dreams shattered of seeing you, holding you, caring for you and most of all, being a true mother to you.
I miss you so much and my world hasn’t been the same since, I miss you so much and I will never forget you.
Goodbye my precious baby…..
Goodnight for you are now asleep with the angels…..
Know I love you…..
Your Mum
Evadne Morris
4th Noevember 2011
Shining in the sky
But this time Mummy and Daddy
didn’t get to say ‘goodbye’So go to your big sister Alice
She’ll be waiting there
Into her love and eternal trust
We place you in her care
Goodnight Little One
Love from Mummy & Daddy xxxx
& Isabella xxxx
(8 weeks – November 6th 2011)
To my two beautiful angels, you were taken too soon as you were too perfect for this horrible place. I will always love you and we will meet again soon. I wish I could just have one hug and kiss from both of you. 15/03/10 & 16/11/10 would have been your birthdays 🙁 I Love You My Angels.
Mummy Loves You Both
x X x
taken from us @ 8wk1day due 21st jan 12
sorry mummy and daddy never got the chance to meet you cuddle or kiss you, such a short time but left a big hole in our hearts.
not a day goes by that we don’t think about you.
you are our star in the sky.
good night sleep tight.
love u the world mummy, daddy & your big sis faith xxxxxxxxxxxxx MISS YOU xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I lost you at 16 weeks but will love you forever.
You are warm and safe in my heart now.
To our little peanut
We never got the chance to say hello or goodbye to you, you were due on the 4th June 2012. We only saw you once at 6 weeks with your heart beating strong. It was the happiest day of our lives. Unfortunately it was another 3 weeks before we knew you had died. Our hearts are broken and are tears fall every day. your daddy is going to plant a fruit tree in the garden as a reminder to our special little peanut. You will be remembered every single day and never forgotten.
One day we will all be reunited and we can’t wait to be together again. We love you more than words can say even though we never got to see you are hearts will always know you. God bless. Sleep tight our special little angel
All our love mummy & daddy xx
Our babies,
3 precious little angels lost 15th December 2010, 10th February 2011 and 25th October 2011. We never got to meet you but loved and wanted you so much. Look after each other and play among the clouds. You are never forgotten. Mommy and Daddy x x
In my dream your daddy called you that, i may of hated that name but now it sticks with me and always will, representing what you mean to us. We both were SO excited to meet you on the 15th May 2012, and now we are heartbroken that, that day will never come. We’ll never forget the day we had to let go of you, but know that you’ll always be in our hearts for a life time, and you will never be replaced. You are our first child and the next will be the second. NEVER will you be isn’t fair.
we will see you when we get there,
mummy and daddy love you so so much
You were only with me for a while …..growing inside of me ….but each of those days ..underneath my fears… love for you was growing ….bit by bit ….i held my tummy and thought….what our life together would be like…..what it would feel like to hold you for the first time .The night i lost you…a little bit of me went with you ….i feel that pain now…right in my heart ….the ache for you …you was my little bit of hope … beginning ….
The day i saw that scan ….that empty place where you had been was so so sad …….
Left mummys tummy 30/10/11
.I will never ever forget you … and would give anything right now to have you back to grow and grow ……all my love mummy x x
Although we didn’t get to meet, hold or cuddle you, we certainly loved you from the moment you grew,
You will never be forgotten,
Love always,
Mummy, Daddy & Big Sister Jessie-May xx