Forget-me-not meadow no 19
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

To Baby Adams,
We were so excited when we found out we were expecting you. Just as we got back from honeymoon. xxx
We couldn’t wait to cuddle & kiss you.
You were only with me a short time but it is breaking my heart being without you.
I know one day we will see you and we will be together.
My angel baby you will always be in our hearts forever.
Love you so much
Mummy & Daddy
pregnant flashed up 1-2 weeks,
happiness, love, a smile i even let out a squeak.
you were here and gone so quickly but for 11 long weeks i knew,
i had love growing inside of me and that was for you.
i never got to meet you, to see your smile or kiss your face,
but now i see that was for god to put you in your place.
he took you as an angel straight from my womb,
it just hurts so much that he took you too soon.
the day that should have been yours is nearly here,
knowing that it’s approaching is filling me with fear.
tiny i miss you more than you could know,
and i wish every second that you didn’t have to go.
although are arms our empty, our hearts know what to do,
with every beat they tell you how much we loved you.
Izzy is your sister now baby ‘lily’ too,
i pray each day you keep them safe until we all come to meet you.
With each day that i watch them grow my heart will always swell,
it will be the pain that makes it wishing you were there as well.
we never will forget you for the 23rd of May,
will always be kept sacred as your special day.
tiny mummy loves you i hope you know that’s true,
one day mummy will come up to heaven and cuddle up with you.xxxxxxxxxxx
Your brother and sister will love you always xxAll our love and kisses for ever
Mummy Daddy Lydia and Harry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mummy and daddy was excited when we knew we was expecting you just hopefully in time for christmas. Your sister would of been very happy to see you and even though she can not understand am sure she would of loved you just as much as we would of.
We will always love you baby lots of love mummy and daddy.
We knew you were there for such a short time but you brought so much joy and hope to us. You will be in our thoughts forever and loved for always. We’re so sorry we let you down sweetheart.
All our love, mummy and daddy x x
Although you’re gone and sadly missed we will always love and never forget youLove
Mummy xxx
For the short time you were in my belly i loved you so much
Now you are gone you are still in my heart an i hope you are safe
Goodnight my darling xxx
I don’t think I can ever put in to words how much mammy and daddy will miss
you. You were so desperately wanted and loved from the moment we knew you
were on your way I know you are safe in gods care and with other angels we
hold close to our hearts You will never be forgotten my darling I will
always hold you in my heart until we meet again love you more than you will
ever know always and forever love your broken hearted mammy xxxxxxx
Can’t believe we lost you when we wanted you so much.
Mummy and daddy love you so much and wish you could have been in our lives.
Your brother and sister love you to, and are always going to know how much you mean to us.
Shine bright up there our beautiful angel. Love you so much AJ.
Lots of love, Mummy, Daddy, Frankie and Sian xxxxxxxx
edd 29/9/12
To our special little bump
Even though I never got to hold you or see you smile or hear you laugh I want you to know how much you were loved and wanted from the minute I found out you were inside me. I carried you for 11 weeks and watched you grow in my tummy, I stroked you every day and your daddy gave you kisses every day. We found out you were a Christmas baby and my due date was Christmas day we thought about calling you Holly if you were a girl.
When I found out your heart had stopped beating at 6 weeks and 6 days it broke my heart how could I have let you down. I hope soon to try for another baby but you will never be forgotten I look at your scan picture every day and cry, you will always have a place in my heart.
Sleep well my angel until we meet again.
Lots of Love
Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
20.4.12- 1.6.12
EDD- 25.12.12
A scan revealed your tiny hearts had stopped beating and your dad and i are truly broken hearted, not just for ourselves but for your big brother harry who at 2 and a half understood you were in mummy’s tummy as he’d started to kiss you every day.
Sleep tight my twin angels, I’m so sorry I couldn’t carry you.. You will always be a part of our family in some way and will be loved forever..
you were so loved and you always will be,
mummy, daddy and your big sister and brother, Aaliyah and jack will keep you in our
hearts forever.
you grew your angel wings too soon and i know your grandads are taking care of you for me.
We love you lots, sleep tight, love you darling
at just 5 wks you left me, i prayed it wasn’t true.
mummy was really looking forward to meeting you and all the things we’d do.
sadness fills my heart at never getting to hold you.
would you have looked like me or daddy? I’m hoping me and secretly he is too.
daddy and i couldn’t stay together the loss of you was too much, but little one we both still love you oh so much.
take care my little angel and you be very good. I’ll miss you more than anything and always wish i understood.
one day I’ll be with you and until then you will always be with me.
sleep tight little one.
love mummy xx
See you in heaven one day, until then I will always hold you in my heart
Love mummy xxx
happy knowing you were there growing inside me and just for that time i had
you all to myself but then they told me they could not find your heartbeat.
I was devastated. Then the bleeding started and I knew I was losing you and
I had to let you go. I have cried every day since. I wish I could have held
on to you and kept you safe until December when you would have been able to
meet your big sister and big brother. Give your Gran a big hug for me. I
will miss you every day forever. Love you both. Mummy Daddy, Krystle & Kyle
I still dream of what you would of looked like or even smelt like Daddy still talks to you, we miss you so much.
I still cry every night over you, it’s so hard baby!
I love you my precious baby xxx
Baby roper sleep tight cx
We were so happy when we found out you were inside mummy’s belly. We thought what an exciting Christmas it would be. It was so lovely to see you and your heartbeat at 7 weeks. It was such a shock to be told later on that you were gone. Mummy cries because she misses you, but she knows that this world needs angels and you were such a special baby that was chosen to be one. We will always remember you. Love from all of us.
We miss you so much!
Lots of love, kisses and cuddles from your Mummy, Daddy and big brother Jack. Xxxx
I’ll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant with you, so many mixed feelings and emotions rushed through me, after the initial shock and yes, a few tears I was overwhelmed with this great feeling of love for you. How could I love something, someone so much, so quickly and so strongly. I couldn’t wait to tell everyone about you, there were a few mixed emotions but me and your daddy were so happy. I couldn’t believe that I was carrying such a precious little angel inside of me, I’d dream about you when I was sleeping and talk about you when I was awake. But Jesus needed you up in heaven with the rest of the angels my gorgeous baby, and as much as that hurts me I know that it just means you were far too precious for this world to have. I will see you soon one day Abbie, one day you will be in my arms and I will never let you go.
I love you to the moon and back angel.
Night night, God bless, Sweet dreams.
Mummy xxxxxxxx
To our tiny angel, who flew up to heaven on 17.06.2012.
We have planted a rosebush in the garden to help remember you, though we know we could never forget you.
Hopefully over time the pain in our hearts will lessen, but a piece will always belong to you.
Rest in peace little one,
Lots of love Mummy Daddy and your big brother xxx
Mummy was quite poorly and lost your beautiful little soul at just 9 weeks. I am so sorry that I couldn’t protect you!
I want you to know though that I loved you straight away and I always will, you are always in my heart and thoughts forever. Sleep tight sweetheart. Mummy D.
I have had more blood loss each month of the year.
One minute you were there, the next you were gone.
I still think about you six months on.
I was losing my baby, yet I wasn’t in any pain.
What hurts the most is it might happen again.
Every time I make love, I record the date.
I panic if I’m just a single day late.
The feeling of not being in control.
Losing you has just left a big gaping hole.
Made to feel you were my dirty little secret.
Being told you were nothing, and just to get over it.
I will never forget you till the day I die.
Sweet dreams my angel and goodbye.
I said goodbye to my angel baby 18th June at 10.5 weeks. My little one grew its wings at 8.5 weeks my body never understood.
You were wanted before conception. Loved before you kicked and you will be missed every single day of our lives. Your my little miracle conception baby.
To my little Lily,
It’s been almost a year since I lost you and I think about you all the time. I’m still trying to find ways to cope with losing you and I’m waiting for the day that I can think of you without feeling sad and lonely and just be grateful of the time that you were in my life. I hate that I still feel so alone and I’m just so angry about losing you. I do hope that this will pass and that my memory of you will be one of happiness. Deep down I know that happiness is a choice and that you will help me choose this one day.
I miss you so much, Always in my heart, forever in my thoughts
Love you always
Your mum xxx
You will always be our little angel, Love Mummy & Daddy xxxx
Missing you so much.
Love Mummy, Daddy and Big Sis xxx
Night night baby Tinkerbell, even though your little heart stopped at 8 weeks, I’ll always remember you and how much happiness you brought us, however briefly.
Sleep tight my angel,
Lots of love Mummy and Daddy xxxxx
Little Star,
Only 5 weeks and 1 day. Some say not even a baby.
But to me you was my everything. I had never felt happiness like it! The amount of love I had for you was incredible.
Unexpected and my first you will never ever be forgotten.
And will always be loved. I will be able to take care of you one day, when we’re both together.
But for now, you’re my little star, lighting up the darkest of places for me.
I love you!
Mommy xxxxx
I was overwhelmed with joy when i found out i was expecting you.
Your big sister Sienna whose nearly 2 was already touching my belly saying Bubba.
You was only in my belly for 10wks 5days but i already loved you so much.
I will never forget you and a piece of my heart will always be with you.
Love you little one
Mummy & Sienna
x x x x
We were so excited and looking forward to meeting you and beginning our new lives as your parents. You looked so perfect in the dating scan and you even looked like you were sucking your thumb! The sonographer had to wiggle the device around to make you move because you liked to curl up in a little ball – just like me! Just know little one that we will always love and cherish you, even though we never met, you are and always will be a part of us. I am so sorry that I couldn’t protect you whilst you were growing, if I could change whatever went wrong, I would. Rwy’n dy garu di mwy nag unrhywbeth arall yn y byd fy mabi i. Cwtches mawr Nibbler xxxxx
So precious and so missed, forever loved and never forgotten.
Born a tiny sleeping angel 25th April 2012
Held you in my hand for moments but me and Daddy will hold you in our hearts forever xx
Mummy & Daddy will never forget you.
Love u always our sleeping angel xxxxThe world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn’t bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we longed for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts
Says that we do love you.
Baby Foster – EDD 4/2/2013
Its times like this, we question our faith,
a perfect little man, that no one could save.
We asked our good Lord, for all the reasons why,
he took our little baby, and made our hearts cry.
Then came an answer, mum and dad couldn’t see,
that perfect little answer to our endless plea,
“A perfect seed made on earth, to bloom in heaven”
Loved always and never forgotten, 1-07-12
2hours 33minutes old xxx Mum & Dad
we were extremely happy when we found out we were having you, I couldn’t wait to tell everybody especially your 2 older brothers. We knew about you for 5 days and you were sadly taken away my angel. Since you have left mummy and daddy I think about you every day. I’ve told your big brothers when they look in the sky and they see the biggest shining star it’s you. Words cannot express how heartbroken we are and how much it hurts that we will never meet you. Hope you’re watching us lots of love my angel love you always mummy, daddy, christopher and ryan xxxxxxxx
To our darling baby,
When we first saw you on the screen at 6 weeks you were only 2mm so daddy called you our broad bean. I had never felt such joy in me it took us 6 years to get you and I carried you for 8 weeks when we found out that we lost you. I cry for you every day knowing you are not with me, you brought us such joy in those 8 short weeks that I carried you. There will never ever be a day that goes by without us thinking of you. You will always be in our hearts and dreams. Mummy and daddy love you so much sweetheart. Until we are together again baby broad bean our love forever Mummy and Daddy.
Dear little one
We only knew about you for 10 short days before you left us in August 2011.
We had wanted to meet you so very much, and we experienced a wide range of emotions during those 10 short days, from being overjoyed to being overwhelmed and a bit scared to being confident and happy.
You taught us a lot even though we never got to meet you or hold you.
You will be with us always within our hearts.
Sleep tight x
The first time I saw you on that screen, it took my breath away and I instantly fell in love with you. The third time I saw that screen you were gone, I felt my heart break and I have missed you ever since. I want you to know that you were wanted, and that I, your Mummy will never forget you. You will always be in my heart, and I will love you forever more.
Little Pip, My Baby, Sleep tight <3
Your Mummy
May 2012
Even though we lost you so early, we miss you every day. It hurts to think you are not still growing inside me but we know it was not your time to be a part of this world.
I know you are up in heaven, keeping us safe.
Love you
M & D xxx
Today I was thinking how old you would be and how much I would love to see you both. Mommy and Daddy got married 4 months ago and were so sad that you couldn’t be with us. Please take care of each other and give us the strength we need to move on.
Always in our hearts
Mommy and Daddy