Forget-me-not meadow no 20
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

You will always be our first child, our first baby.
You will always be our pride and joy.
Although we didn’t get to hold you in our arms or kiss you or watch you grow, we love you so much.
There are no words that can explain how much we love you.
Love always
Mummy and Daddy
R.I.P 1st April 2012
So sadly missed and loved oh so much. Not day goes by were I don’t think off you <3 will never forget you. Love you so much my little angel. Love mummy and your big brother xxxxx
You were only with us for such a short space of time but you had a massive impact on us I couldn’t believe I was going to be a mummy to such a tiny little thing, it felt amazing knowing that everywhere I went you came to you were a part of my life and always will be, I still wonder if you would of looked like me or your daddy but you would of been the most beautiful baby I would have ever seen just wish I could of held you in my arms and kissed your tiny nose.
We will love you forever sweet dreams in heaven I’ll be with you one day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=
Forever in our hearts and thoughts.
Mummy xxx
Although we never knew you, you were very loved from the moment we knew about you. You were a very much wanted child bless you.
Peanut as my daughter called you.
You will forever be in our hearts and we will never forget, your soul will go on as there must be a reason for you not coming to us this time.
Love always Nanny & Poppy xxxxxxxxxxxx
13.3.12 when I found out about you. Sadly taken on 19.4.12, I’ll love you for ever, you will always be my first baby. Sleep well sweetheart. Love mummy & daddy xxxxx
I know one day we will meet again. Mummy and daddy love you millions our angel I hope your with the other gorgeous babies having fun xxx
You will always be in my heart
Forever and always.
In such a small amount of time
The love for you was unconditional!
Me and daddy miss you!
Love you millions
xxx sweet dreams! xx
Perfect little stars,
And when you shine together, the world can
See how beautiful you both are
May you fly with magic wings
On clouds sop soft and white,
May your hearts be joyful
And your days be bathed in light
And though our hearts are broken
And your lives were far too short,
We thank you, sweetest angels
For the happiness you both brought
Sweet dreams our darling angels
We will love you for all our days and beyond
Mummy, Daddy and Big Brother Struan XXX
I cannot tell you how much it hurts that my darling girls are no longer with me that
i will never hold your tine hands tickle your tine feets i am lost that u are no longer here but
You are my angles, So for that i am going to set you both free. Just Remember one thing.
You will always be a part of me. so spread your wings and fly and i will see you when its time.
Mummy and Daddy
Love you both so so much always in our hearts
We didn’t get to see, hold or know you but you were loved more than you will know.
Today we planted a Lily in hope that it will grow and take away some of the sorrow.
Your Brothers would have loved you but you were needed elsewhere for the Angels had a job for you and you were needed there.
Good night my little one.
Love always Mummy Daddy Ed n Alfie xx
We only had 12 weeks together, but in that time you brought so much hope and happiness. We love you so much and you will be in our hearts forever. Mummy believes that babies who only know heaven as their home are very special babies, and you will always be so very special to us. Love you and sweet dreams, from Mummy, Daddy and big brother Harrison xxx
We know that you passed a while ago, but right now 01/08/12 at 11.06 am You are still part of us…and You will always be part of us.
Mummy and Daddy will always miss You, will always love You, and that will never change.
God Bless our Precious Little One.
Be safe, have no pain and know that you are loved. Always.
Forever yours,
Mummy xxx and Daddy xxx
(Denise & Martin)
Those words are now even harder to write so all I can say is that you will
always be in my heart and never forgotten.
Sleep peacefully my gorgeous boy
Mummy xxxxx
From that joy and pride to despair, we found out that you were not meant for this world. We didn’t want to let you go but on the 30th July you had to go to a better place to join Auntie Nathalie to have fun, and forever look down on us.
Mummy enjoyed having you everywhere she went for the 13 weeks you were with us. We wish we could have held you in our arms, kissed your sweet head and touched your tiny fingers and toes.
You will always be a part of our lives and we will forever have you in our hearts and minds. Sweet dreams Babba.
Gone but never to be forgotten
Mummy & Daddy (C&J)
I loved you from the minute i found out about you.
Overwhelming, unconditional love in the purest form.
I could not wait to be your mummy and hold you in my arms.
I was only to care for you for 7 short weeks, until you got your wings, but I know you are in heaven with
all the other precious angels and that you will be a part of me forever.
I will think of you every day. i carry your heart in my heart.
Na nite little one. Love you more and more with every passing thought.
Mummy xxxxoooo
Even though your life was short, that does not make you any less loved,
You gave us dreams, and made us very happy for the short time you were with us,
I’m sure you must of heard the plans we had for you, lying in your mummy’s tummy,
We want you to know that you were a little miracle, no matter how old you were,
You gave us hope, you gave us joy and we love you for it,
Ava will unfortunately not get to meet you and I know you would have made a great brother or sister,
Thank you Beau for making us very happy and giving us hope x x x
Sleep tight Angel, hopefully one day we will meet again.
Love From Mummy, Daddy and big Sister Ava xxxxxxxxx
I will never forget you, Love from mummy xxx
Mummy misses you so much Angel. Wish i had the chance to hold you, to see you smile and hear you laugh. I think about you every day.
Hope you are looking after your cousins. We will meet one day Princess.
Forever my baby Isabelle love you always
Mimi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
All the love in the world xxxx your proud Mummy and Daddy
)O( till we meet in the summerlands
Love mummy and daddy
I chose your nickname; so when you grew you had a name,
till you entered the world, but that was never meant to be.
You were here for such a short while;
but enough to leave a mark against my heart.
You will never be forgotten.
The picture that we do have;
I placed with your Nan & Bobbin’s Wedding Honeymoon Picture.
I saw you on the screen; so small but so precious…………
You’ve gone home to be with the Angels and your other sibling.
I have asked Nan; Bobbin and Nan Rita to take care of you.
Till We Meet Again in Heaven or in My Dreams.
‘Peanut – 2nd June 2012 to 8th August 2012’
Love Mum Dad Lewis Becky Tom & Sam
my future beamed bright with you inside
the tragic loss i can’t share nor describe
the sadness and pain that i’m told will ease in time
but know this my angel, my bump and my baby bean
you will always be in my heart, i love you
etched and entwined for eternity
love mommy clare xxx
A little flickering heart beat representing our hopes and dreams of a bright future.
The hope and happiness you brought was so strong and our love for a tiny bundle of cells unparalleled.
Your loss is felt keenly and the space in our hearts is yours forever.
“Then woe is me, poor Child, for Thee,?
And ever mourn and say;?
For Thy parting, nor say nor sing,
Bye, bye, lully, lullay.”
Our lives were torn apart when we found out that you stopped breathing during our routine 12-week scan – we will never forget your tiny little face.
Nana is up there playing with you and keeping you company until mummy and daddy meet you one day. Keep smiling and we think about you everyday in our hearts.
God bless.
Love you lots and lots and more and more each day.
Baby Boo – 31 Jul 11 – 9 Aug 11.
Love mummy and daddy Sutton xx
We didn’t know what sex you was so we chose the name Joe as it is for either sex we didn’t want you not to have a name xxx
They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way I feel,
For no-one knows the heartache,
That lies behind our smiles,
No-one knows how many times,
We have broken down and cried,
We want to tell you something,
So there won’t be any doubt,
You’re so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without.
Joe your never be forgotten we loved you soo much
Lots of love Mummy, Daddy and your two brothers Ryan and Layton xxx
When the pain started, and i knew something was wrong, I realised I wasn’t ready to lose you, even if i didn’t know if i could be a mom. You should have been 11 weeks then.
The most painful feeling in my life was watching them check again and again for your heartbeat.
To be told, your tiny little heart, stopped 2 weeks ago, at 9 weeks. I would never get to hold you.
Never know if you would be as gorgeous as your daddy!
I don’t know how to deal with losing you, but i know we’ll be ok, and you’re in Heaven now,
Watching, and waiting for us.
Love you, always. Xoxoxox.
Mummy and Daddy think about you every day, we loved you so much and will always remember you. Hope you’re safe in Grandma’s arms. Until we meet again sweetheart…love you with all my heart, your mummy xxx
You were so very much wanted and are so very much missed. I am sorry you didn’t leave for heaven at the same time, I hope it wasn’t lonely and that you have found each other again. We will never forget you and hope you saw the lanterns we sent. Your loving parents.
Taken to heaven 26th May 2012
In my heart and thoughts always.
I seen your heart beating. It was strong and fast, The most amazing thing ever was seeing your heartbeat A flood of relief ran through me I thought you were going to make it, But the next day your heart gave in.
Im so sorry i couldn’t do more
You were going to be born just before your older cousins bday And 1 week before your younger cousin Nothing could of prepared me for this Your big brother/sister will take care of you up there Save room for me and daddy.
I will meet you one day
I love you now and forever. We miss you.
All our love mummy and daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxx
n angel in the book of life wrote down our baby’s birth and whispered as she closed the book too beautiful for earth
Taken from us too soon
Fly high my precious baby we will meet again one day and I’ll never let you go
Always & forever in our hearts
You may have only been in our lives for 10 weeks but you will never be forgotten. Mummy, Daddy and big sister Cora will hold you deep in our hearts and love you always. You are safe in the arms of Nanny Lena now.
All our love always
Sleep tight precious one
Mummy, Daddy and Cora xoxoxo
We had 12 weeks of celebrating being pregnant before you left us.
We will never forget the special days you gave us all the happy memories we will treasure forever.
Love you always Mummy and Daddy x
Sadly we never saw your little heartbeat flicker but you will live forever in our hearts.
Love from your mummy, your daddy and your big brother Charlie xxx
Today I should have held you in my arms but instead hold you in my heart. I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep you safe. Forever with Iona and Eigg.
All my love always, Mummy
On the 27th August 2010 we lost our little baby bird at 9 weeks, even though it’s 2 years ago i still think about how you would of been, boy or girl, what you would of looked like. I always think about you and i know that your big sister would of loved to help us look after you. Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Sleep tight my little angel.
MUMMY, DADDY and your big sister. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You will never understand how much it breaks my heart,
you not being here. Everyday gets harder I’m 16 and a
mummy but I’m proud of that and was so happy when i found
out you were in my belly. But when i went for the scan at 22 weeks
and they told me your heartbeat was gone my heart was broken.
me and your daddy are back together now and still grieving so much.
your wanted so badly i just hope your looking down on us and going to help us through.
the 17th may 2012 2.05am the day that i will never forget 🙁 seeing your little
lifeless body lay there and not being able to get you back or feel your touch.
Your due date is the 10/09/12 so it’s nearly here babe. Going to be so hard but
hopefully you’ll help me through it. Will be down to see you just wish it wouldn’t be at your
graveside. goodnight gorgeous. You’re forever in my heart Riley and your daddy’s.
Love and miss you so so much baby.
Love Mummy and Daddy xxxxxx