Forget-me-not meadow no 24
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

Dear Snowdrop, I can’t believe it’s been 4 years today since you were so cruelly taken away from us and my heart was broken into millions of pieces.
Gradually those pieces were put back together again when YOU sent us your little brother in OCT 2010. I still think of you often and will never forget you but I know a little part of you is living in him and when he smiles I am sure you are smiling too!
Your big brother and even bigger sister love playing with him and I am sure you love watching them all together. I know you watch over us all and help to keep us all safe!
Sadly I need to ask you one very special favour this year and that is to take special care of your Daddy just now. We are all very sad at the moment because Daddy has decided he wants to live on his own for a while and moved into a different house. Please help us to keep strong and to carry on as best we can because it is not easy being a Mummy to 3 children without a Daddy being around to help and have fun.
Although we knew you for such a short time, you touched our life in so many ways. Like a butterfly taken by the breeze you left us. We’re sad you can’t be with us and wish you peace and love on your journey. Love always, Mum and Dad xx
In just three months i have never experienced such happiness
then they told me you were gone.
I never got to feel you move but i knew you were there,
it’s hard to believe i will never get to hold you or even stroke your hair.
I envisioned your arrival around 19 August 2013,
but God had other plans for you and has taken you too soon.
My Shining Star.
We will think about you everyday
Sleep Tight Little One
Mummy & Daddy love you x
We will never forget that awful day, 30 January 2013 when we were told you had no heartbeat and had stopped growing at 8 weeks. We were heartbroken, all our hopes and dreams dashed in that one terrible moment. We had all been so excited about having you in our lives but it obviously just wasn’t meant to be.
Shine bright in the sky little one, we will never ever forget you, you will forever be in our thoughts and our hearts until we meet again.
Love you always Mummy, Daddy, big sister Ellie and big brother Callum xxxxx
4th Feb 2013
Heaven has gained another angel, our angel,
Far too beautiful for this world,
Too precious to ever forget,
If our love for you could have saved you, you would have lived forever.
Love mummy, daddy and big brother Sydney
i miss you every single day, i really wish you could of stayed.
i love you with all my heart.
goodbye my angel, xxx
mummy and daddy <3
We wish my darling we still had you.
19th January 2013
Love mommy, daddy and your big sister Olivia xxxxx
We found out we had lost you 31st Jan 13
You were made with love and will always be loved
We will never forget you, you are now a precious angel watching over us, love you darling x CB+SL x
It’s more than eleven years since I lost you and it still breaks my heart. I knew when I carried you you would be my only child, you were my miracle baby. It hurts that I cannot own you or acknowledge you in this world, but I know you were alive, you were my baby. I can’t wait for the day I see you in Heaven, I know Grandma’s holding you tight for me until then.
All my love forever Mummy xxx
For Baby C,
Our precious little one, lost at six weeks, six days. Due on February 24.
I saw your heart beating, and I will keep you in my heart always.
Love Mummy x
To my twins, lost through uterine rupture and forced d&c at 6 weeks 5 days.
Much wanted babies, loved and longed for.
Forever in my heart and mind.
I miss you.
For Baby Sorrell, due 27.03.13.
Today is the day we were meant to be welcoming our precious new baby into the world… I am so sorry & sad that we never got to meet you & will never see your little face. We only had you for such a short time but i cherish every moment we shared & miss you so very much.
You will be in my head & in my heart forever, I love you more than words can ever say.
Your mummy xx
Love Mummy, Daddy and Big Sister Christie xxx
A whole year is passing by today and mummy misses you so so much. You will never be forgotten my little baby girl. I hope your looking after your Grandad and Great Grandma up there.We miss you.
Mummy and Daddy xxx
We will never know if you were a boy or girl, a carbon copy of your big sister or have beautiful features of your own? It is heartbreaking to know we will never hold you or touch you or see you playing with your big sister.
What we do know if that although you were growing inside me for a few short weeks we will love you for a lifetime. May you be watched over always,
Mummy, Daddy & big sister Isla x x x
Dear little bean,
The moment I felt your life force, I beamed with pride. You were so badly wanted and we nervously watched you grow. Sadly by week 9, you were not more. I’m sorry. You left a hole in my heart, but I’ll never forget your energy, smell and the 1st time we saw your tiny heart beat. Wish you could be with us.
How I wish I was holding you in my arms today, instead I’ll never stop holding you in my heart.
Forever with Iona and Coll.
All my love Mummy
Although you were a surprise, I loved you from the moment I knew you were growing inside of me.
My world broke into a million pieces when we lost you.
I’m so sorry. Even now I cannot put it into words.
Just know that we will always love you & a part of my heart will always be yours.
Today is the day that you were due to join us and we would have become a family. We are so sorry that we never got to meet or hold you.
You were very much wanted and we will never forget finding out that we were expecting you, nor the day we saw your heartbeat. We tried not to be too excited but we couldn’t help it. You were with us for such a short time, but we will remember you forever.
Love always x x
Mummy x
Baby G,
You were due to arrive tomorrow. I think about you every day and wish things were different. The hole in our hearts is as big today as six months ago. We will never forget you.
Mummy xxx
Me and your daddy loved you soo much,
Everyone was so excited to meet you!
We’ll never forget you,
You’re everything to us,
and We Miss you <3
You should have been 10 weeks old but when we hoped to see you, you was gone!
We love you with all our heart hope nanny is taking care of you.
One day we will meet. October 2nd will be your birthday and we will light a candle for you baby.Good night, god bless. Xxx
Mummy & Daddy
To our little one who caused so much excitement and happiness, so sad that you were gone so soon. Lots of Love Mummy & Daddy
First known about 1st Feb 2013, lost by the end of February
You left me when you were so small,
but you made such a huge impact on my life.
I will love you and miss you forever
We love you babies, mummy, papa, James & Harry xx
I didn’t feel you in my arms, or hear your little cry.
I didn’t get to see your smile, or even know your name.
But you’ll always be my baby and I love you just the same xxx
Created 9th Jan 2013 departed 9th March 2013,
We love you for what could have been, We are proud of you for what you could have done, we miss you for the person you would have been.
Our daughter, Hilde’s little sister, for ever a shining star!
gone but never forgotten. X
Marie, Martin and Hilde