Forget-me-not meadow no 25
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

I knew my baby was there even before I lost it. I didn’t need a pregnancy test to know.
But now my baby has gone. I will never get to meet my baby. Unless God shows me the way in heaven.
I will always love my baby, even though I never got to see their face in a scan, or hold them in my arms.
Love forever
Mummy and daddy
Dear baby Oscar,
We’ve only seen you briefly but have loved you all the same.
Lily was the one that chose your name, even though I told her we couldn’t name you after the cat!
I’m so sorry that we didn’t get to know you and tell you how much we wanted you, I just hope that you can forgive us.
dreaming of you
love Mummy, Daddy and the Lily-Monster
For Baby Twinkle 21/03/13
A little heart stops beating,
A tiny life stops living,
A mothers heart is bleeding,
A fathers pain keeps breathing.
A wanted baby sleeping,
A memory for keeping,
A mothers heart is broken,
A fathers love unspoken.
Our little angel you’ll be forever loved & in our hearts and thoughts, till we met again precious all our love mummy & daddy xxxxxxxx
My 3 little stars
I loved you the moment i knew you were there and i love you still today and always.
Not replaced or never forgotten, always with me in my heart.
I love you my little stars
x x x
Thank you for giving us 11 wonderful happy weeks knowing we had you and seeing your little heart beating.
Losing you is so hard, we will never forget you. We will love you forever
24.03.13 xxx
we never got to see your face
or even feel your touch
we never got to hold you close
but i miss you so so much
shine bright my little star
we love you so much
mummy & daddy
finley & maisie
For bambino Browne 08/04/13
For the baby I never knew,
Your little heart stopped before its time
Taking a piece of my heart with you,
The glow I felt has left me now and been replaced by dullness
For the baby I never knew,
I wanted to meet you; to hold you; to kiss you
The dreams you gave me were so special
All I wanted was you to be healthy; to be happy
For the baby we never knew,
We couldn’t keep you in this world
But we want you to know you will never be forgotten
You were the baby we never knew; but we will always love you x
Baby Angel – (you might not of had a name yet but you are still my baby)
We love and miss you every single day
Nothing will stop this pain.
We hope you’re playing on a cloud with your angel brothers and sisters
We love you so much love from your
Mummy and daddy
I love you so much and I hope your
Playing with your other angel brothers and sisters we love and nothing will make this pain go away
I know we never knew you but I know you was there I miss and love you so much and I am struggling everyday
I will never forget you love from mummy and daddy
I just really want you to know how happy, proud and excited I was when I felt you inside me, such joy. It was the best thing that ever happened to me and losing you is the worst. I am so very sorry we will never get to know each other but I will remember and love you always. M
my little Fee
You were there
But then you were not
You would have never been
I hope you have fun
Playing catch amongst the stars
Have fun with the angels
Forever in my heart
Your mamma
Klein veertje in de wind,
Vlieg je vlucht in alle vrijheid,
Geniet van elk uitzicht,
En dans op de wind.
You left us on 2nd March and we still miss you and think about you every day. You will always be part of our family, and your sister Kitty and brother George will always be a part of you. We will forever see your face and you will shine brightly in our hearts forevermore.
Be at peace with your siblings…We love you mummy & daddy
Baby Redding
I didn’t get to feel you kick, or look into your eyes.
I didn’t hold you in my arms, or hear your little cry.
I didn’t get to see your smile, or even know your name.
But, you’ll always be my baby and I love you just the same.Love mummy and daddy xx
You are my second little gift that I never got too meet, along with your big brother or sister you were chosen to be with god & look down from us from heaven.
I may of only carried you for 6 weeks, but I will love you always xxx The day I lost you I will never forget, 25/04/2013.
Always in my heart, Mummy xx=
Our dear baby Elvis,
Your brief time with us gave us so much love and joy, which makes saying goodbye to you so painful. Heartbreak Hotel will always be your home. With lots of love from mummy, daddy and Lucy xxx
gentle jesus up above please give our angels lots of love xxxx mummy and daddy gibsonkisses to our babies from sisters bethany and honor and brother kian.
play among the stars my angels with your cousin billy-joe born [asleep march 03]
be good for grandma &grandma gibson &grandma jean [nicholson] xxxx
love you forever
who never got to be,
or try to envision a face
you never got to see?
How do you mourn the death of one
who never got to live.
Our angel babies the Angels of our tears.
To someone that never was, you were still a part of me and will be remembered with love even though I lost you on 24 April 2013
Sadly born to soon
Baby Dyer 31 August 2012 &
Baby girl Dyer 8 May 2013
Love you forever
Mummy, Daddy & your proud big sister Rebekah xxx
We had to let him go.
The time just wasn’t right for him,
And now were hurting so.But even though our baby,
Was not ready to be here.
We shall love him always,
And keep his memory near.
There’s nothing we can do,
Nothing anyone can say.
To make things easier,
On such a painful day.
Although we lost our baby,
We still have each other.
And sometime in the future,
Well make such excellent mothers.
Love from Mummy Tach and Maman Sophie xx
Our baby was loved so much and I felt a strong bond right from the start!
You will be missed so much and loved forever until perhaps one day we may be joined. We will never ever forget you x x
How we wish you were here with us but we know you are with your Uncle Mal and he will take good care of you. We love you to the moon and back, Mummy, Daddy, Jack and Sam xxxxx
We miss you every day you’re always on our minds, never forget that you will always have part of our heart.
We love you so much,
Mummy and Daddy xx 20.03.13
To our tiny Angel Baby
We have loved you for 10 weeks and will love you for a lifetime. Your loss is immeasurable. We so wanted to meet you and hold you and love you.
We will never forget our little Plum. You will always be in our hearts.
Love and cuddles for always, Daddy, Mummy, Big Sister Cerys and Big Brothers Josh and Max xxxxx
Daddy and I loved you more than anything, and your sibling before you. We had so many hopes and dreams for you and when we saw your little heart was no longer beating on the screen a little part of us died with you.
We love you so much and would have given anything to have met you.
Sweet dreams precious <3
Mummy&daddy xxx
May you have lots of cuddles with your other baby bean and let the angels watch over you love you always Mummy, Daddy and your big brothers xxxx
To our beautiful twins taken 22nd April 2013 at 8week 6days,
Words cannot describe how sad we are that you are not with us. It is comforting that you have each other, and hope you are together with your two angel siblings. Your brother and half sister will miss you very much. I am just so sorry I couldn’t keep you safe and will miss you every day. Mummy and Daddy will always hold you close in our hearts until we can be together.
All my love our precious twins – sleep tight xxxx