Forget-me-not meadow no 30
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

To my little bump,
I may not have had you for long but from the second I knew you were there I loved you, you became a part of me and took a part of my heart. I saw your heart beat and will never forget the joy I felt, you were so deeply wanted.
There will not be a day that goes by where I won’t think of you, what you would have looked like, what you would have been called, how you would have grown up, but I know you are with angels now who will look after you for me.
You would have been part of such a loving family with an amazing dad and sister, I only wish we could have met you. Sleep tight little bean!!
Love mummy xxx
My beautiful little surprise.
You were destined never to bloom.
I know we will one day get to meet my beautiful bud and that you can bloom in the Summerland where you will never feel pain or sorrow. This gives me some comfort.
Find your wings my little angel.
You were only with us for a short time but your footsteps will be felt on my heart forever.
We will never forget you.
All our love forever
Mummy & Daddy
To my four lovely babies. I wish that you had made it to meet your mommy and daddy. We got to see one of you on the screen but it was too late and the others were lost before we could. We love you very much! I will never forget each time, however brief, we had an angel growing inside me.
Love Keri and Tony
(mommy and daddy)
To Our Little Jellybean.
Although I only carried you for a very short time, you will always be in our hearts & minds.
You were a passing soul that needed looking after for a while and I’m so proud to have carried you.
We will love you forever
Mummy, Daddy, Big Brother Jack & Your soon to be little brother or sister
I never got the chance to meet you or even see your beautiful little heart beating on the machine, but I knew you were there. I only had you for a short time and I loved every second of it.
I think about you every day and miss you so much it still hurts. I will never forget you, my beautiful baby who was too perfect for earth.
I love you, Mummy xxx
Our teeny tiny dot,
At only around 7 weeks gestation,
You were already loved more than a lot.Who knew the heartache was coming,
A scan confirmed your fate,
The angels had already taken you,
To go enter those heavenly gates.
The world it was not ready,
To be graced with your tiny smile,
When will this heartbreak be over?
To turn back time we would walk miles.
Please rest in peace our angel,
Although you weren’t carried for long,
Until we meet again my darling,
It must be in heaven where you belong.
Love Mummy, Daddy and big brother Alfie xxxxxxxxx
short time…… so much love for you.
Thinking of you now as a bright star in the sky shining
down……. we now have two amazing stars to look at
in the night sky & they will never leave our hearts xxxx
Fiona Stevenson 23.01.2014 & 17.02.2012
My beautiful son, I love you so much. You will never be forgotten. Please know you are missed.
I love you,
Made me so proud knowing my life had a meaning & BIG changes were made all for you & the better for us both.
Sadly you was not meant to be, On 24/01/13 I lost the best part of me.
Mummy & Daddy still think of you every day, my heartache will never mend & dreams we had for you will never end.
Forever in our hearts you’ll staySleep tight little soul
You were leant to us 4 a season. A gift of a flower. A gift of a presence. Thank you 4 all the joy & the good times.
Honour God. Look after yourselves. Walk humbly. Be @ peace. Be a blessing to those around you.
We hold you gently in our hearts & minds. Know we love you & miss you. We need to find our own peace. Perhaps we will meet again after this life.
The Lord giveth & the Lord taketh away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Dad & Mom.
I loved you from the moment I knew you were there,
I dreamed of all the milestones and moments we would share,
With you everything felt so right and complete,
I was devastated when I found out that we would never meet,
Too early we were forced apart,
But know that you will stay forever in my heart,
My love for you will never die,
May the angels keep you safe and warm up in the heavens in the sky.
With love from Mummy and Daddy x x x
fly with nanny go have some fun
You were taken too soon thats 4 sure
Me and daddy will love you 4evermore
Since you left me my heart is torn
Nanny’s withu now keeping you safe and warm
Love you always my angel 14/09/13
We’ve more love 4 u which heaven brings
Go through soft clouds with nanny above
From in my tummy you flew my love x
You’re in a happy place and 4ever in my heart
The day you left (12/1/14) my world fell apart
Me an daddy you eternally our precious little jelly bean xx look after you brother/sister with nanny xxx
Love mummy and daddy x
I’m sorry we never got to meet you,
You were gone before we had a chance to tell you how much we loved you.
You have a baby brother arriving soon so please watch over him and guide him, we will tell him all about you one day.
We think about you every single day…that will never change.
A piece of us will always be with you.
Love you forever, Mummy & Daddy xx
You were taken from us before we even found out if you were a little boy or girl, but I know you’ll be happy with my other two peanuts in the night sky.
Mommy and Daddy love you even if we didn’t get to hold you. I have and will miss you every single day, till I can finally hold you in my arms. You are our little angel forever.
With all our love, Mommy and Daddy xoxo
who never got to be,
or try to picture a face
you never got to see?
How do you say goodbye to one
who never got to live.
When there’s nothing to feel good about
and nothing to forgive?
I love you, my little baby,
my companion of the night.
Wandering through my lonely hours,
beautiful and bright.
What does it mean to die before
you ever were born,
to live the lovely night of life
and never see the dawn?
Life’s a burst of joy and pain and fun
I love you my babies soon I’ll come
Always my Angel babies of my tears
Ill think of u til my very last years xxxx
My darling Bubs. We found out on New Year’s Eve that your tiny precious little life had ended after 15 weeks. It broke our hearts. We loved and wanted you so much. You were laid to rest at home last week and are now with the angels. Mummy and Daddy love you so very much. We are so sad that you have gone from our lives but you will be forever in our thoughts and hearts. As the poem says “the angel with the book of life who recorded your birth said that you were too beautiful for this earth”. After seeing you and kissing your tiny face I know that to be true.
Lots of love Mummy xxxxxx
To our little peanut. Whilst we’re sad you were not meant to be with us for long, we appreciated what you brought us for the short time you were here. You’ll be in our hearts always.
Love your parents.
We thought we had you in our sights, you were the centre of our happy bubble. Daddy & I got married on Boxing Day and we were buying our family home. We’d planned your nursery in our heads and dreamt of happy times.
‘POP’ our bubble burst on New Year’s Eve and now you’ve gone.
Words can’t explain the pain and we’ll miss you very much. Don’t worry little baby you won’t be alone, alas you have 4 other brothers or sisters you can join.
I may have only carried you for 7 short weeks, but in that time, you changed me life more than anyone ever has before. From the moment I found out about you the day before Christmas Eve, you were loved so very much. So many plans we made and so many presents we bought. I’m so lucky to have a scan picture of you and I know that I’m so lucky to be your mummy. I hope everyone is looking after you up there. Love and miss you forever, sweetheart. You were my first baby and you’ll never be forgotten. Sweet dreams little one. xxxxx
Time heals, I hope so because I miss you so much already.
You will always be my 3rd baby xxx 17.11.2013 – 23.01.2014
We were only together for a very short time, but I thought about you day and night and we started to make plans for the future. I am empty and cannot cry anymore, but we will never forget you and what a wonderful addition you would have been to our little family.
You will always be in my heart
Never forgotten xxx
For my darling angel.
You will be Forever in my heart and mind.
Lots of love from mummy xxxxxxxxxx
I still remember so clearly the love we felt for you as Daddy held me in his arms and we danced to ‘having my baby’ by Paul Anka, while your big sister sat in the bath smiling and watching us.
Even though I didn’t carry you for long, you’ll always be in our thoughts and in our hearts. We miss you every day.
Love always and forever
Mummy, Daddy, big sister Molly and baby sister Megan xxxx
To my beautiful little angel,
I may have only carried you for 9 short weeks but I love you more than anything. You will forever be in my heart.
Sleep well little one.
Lots of love,
Mummy xxxxxxxxx
To our beautiful little “fuzzy blob” that we never got to meet,
I don’t know how to say goodbye to you. There is an emptiness in our lives now – your space to fill. I saw your heartbeat flutter away so strongly and proudly showed Daddy your picture on the scan. My hopes and dreams were full of you – now I am only full of tears.
You will never be forgotten little baby of mine.
Sleep peacefully little one.
Love you always Mummy and Daddy xxx
Made with Love Nov 2013. Our hearts broken on 25th Jan 2014
We have never been deeply religious but we have faith, if there was one thing I know, I know we would have taught you that faith is the most important thing in life. And that’s what we are going to have. Faith that you’re with grandad and great grandad in the sky. I miss the feeling so much baby mulcahy, you changed our life. You will forever be in our thoughts and in our heartsLove mummy and daddy
<3 Xxxxxxxxxx
10/02/1990So many years ago now but not a day goes by that I don`t think of you. Only a few months old when you were taken, we didn`t even get to meet. I picture the beautiful young man you would be now. I miss you, I love you and I always will. Lots of love Mum xxx
Our precious little bean,
After 6 long years of trying we were blessed with the miracle that was you on the 4/1/14. Mummy and daddy were the happiest people alive that day and for the next 9 weeks and 5 days until you were so cruelly taken from us.
We can’t yet understand why you had to go so soon or believe that we will never get to hold you or see you carry out the dreams we had for you.
You were the most loved baby. Everyone is so sad. You had nanny’s and grampy’s, an aunty and uncle and so many friends waiting for you. I hope you are safe and happy baby and that you will give us strength to move forward.
We will never forget you and love you eternally, Mummy and Daddy xxx
To me you wasn’t just a bunch of cells you was my baby!! Loved from day one 🙁 I will never understand why the day before your passing we saw your little heart beating and the next day you was gone…. But I am grateful I got to see you looking all snug in mummy’s tummy were you belonged.
I feel completely empty, the only thing keeping me going is your big sister Nevie-Rose.
She was looking forward to “baby coming to live with us” as she would say.
She also got to listen your heart beat too which she really enjoyed, I also had to check her belly to see if there was a heartbeat 🙂 I don’t know why this has happened to us but maybe You was too precious for this world.
You have taken a piece of mummy and daddy’s heart with you and that brings me a tiny bit of comfort knowing it’s for you.
I love you baby.
Love mummy and daddy x x x
Lots of love always mummy and daddy!xx
We never saw your heartbeat,
Laid eyes on your sweet face…
We never held you lovingly in a warm and tight embrace, You never had the chance to grow, We do not understand.
It all just seems so unfair,
That we’ll never hold your hand.
Mama, Daddy, and Sissy love you very much.
Wait for us in eternity, dear hearts.
We miss you both so much.
In memory of “Aeryn” lost January of 2011, and “Sidney” lost February of 2014, chemical pregnancy miscarriages.
Things haven’t been the same since you passed away. We light candles for you often, so don’t ever think we’d forget you. We hope Grandpa is keeping you company. Dad says he loves you all the time and misses those little one sided chats with you.
Miss you small angel.
Mum and dad xxx
To our little man or little lady,
Nothing has broken my heart more than hearing the nurse say i am sorry, there it is but I’m so sorry there’s no heat beat. I think about what would have been and what you would look and be like and miss you ever day & can’t describe having seen you on the monitor knowing we had made you and how much we loved you and wanted you already for you to be taken away from us hurts like crazy. I have never cried so much wishing things were different.
I pray to god we get to meet you some day & I promise you will never be more loved.
Love you forever M&D
Isaiah and Isabella,
Mommy misses and loves you so much. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of the two of you. I keep your last ultrasound picture with me all the time and have a copy at my desk along with your big brother’s pic.
Although we only had 19 weeks together, you will never be forgotten.
Fly high my little angels!!
Love always,
Mommy and big brother Nate
My soul is heavy with loss.I miss you now, and forever x
From parents Erica, Edward and big brother Adam Breffit
Miss you every day babies xxx