Forget-me-not meadow no 34
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

Taken away too soon. You will always be mine, always my second special baby and always here in my heart. Instone 08.10.14
You were only growing for 11 weeks, but your daddy and I already loved you so much. Thank you for making those 11 weeks the happiest and most exciting of our lives. I’m sorry you didn’t stay longer so that we could meet you.
Our hearts have never felt more broken. We will think of you always. Love you forever Mummy and Daddy xxx
We understand that you were not meant to be but it still hurts so much to have to say goodbye to you all. You’ll be forever in our hearts.
Mummy & Daddy xxx
This day will forever be in the back of my mind.
Please rest in peace my little sibling. You are not forgotten.
God says “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb”.
You changed our lives in a day as we became mummy and daddy. We want you to know that we love you so very much. We will never ever forget you. Our sweet angel who we will hold one day. All our love mummy and daddy xxx
I have been thinking a lot about you, you have a new baby brother and I look at him and wonder what you would have looked like and it makes my heart break and tears fill my eyes, I have not forgot about you little one, keep shining bright, mummy and daddy will always love you and never forget you.
🙂 xxx “Always in my heart Ruby” love mummy xxx
it was not meant to be- I loved you from the moment I knew you were there.
I’m so very sorry you didn’t get to meet your amazing brother and sister.
I’ll never forget you or the other baby I lost in March 2012.
I wish I’d had warning you were going to be taken from us. Sleep tight
little one x x x
special place for you in my heart. I know you are looking down on me, & you
will guide me through. If love could of saved you, you would of lived
forever. I love you little one…
You were only 6 weeks when you were taken too soon. We think of you every day, and wish that we had the chance to watch you grow with your brothers and sister. But 8/7/2014 changed all that. we miss and love you very much, always Mammy and Daddy.
so much joy. I am feeling so sad now you are gone. You will always be our
first. Xxx November 2014
Please know that you are loved, that you were wanted. Even though I have never seen your face I miss you and love you so very very much.
Please know dear child that whenever I kiss or cuddle your sisters I am also kissing and cuddling you. I long to hold you close and kiss you little face.
Oh how wonderful it will be when we are reunited again someday. How tightly I will hold you.
Oh how wonderful it will be to have our whole family together. Jem, Heidi, you and the other two beloved children.
We were together only a short time but your life mattered. Due on 20/5/15.
You are precious. And never forgotten.
Love Mummy
Baby Getty 18/11/14
An angel in the book of life, wrote down our baby’s birth. Then whispered as she closed the book “too beautiful for earth”
Goodbye our wee sesame seed.
We love you always.
Mummy & Daddy xoxox
Birth Date 15th April 2015Gone but never forgotten
Deep Inside me I felt you grow but we only got so far that a little bump did show.
I was so excited to your mum but you’re gone and never forgotten my little bun.
I will think about you every day and will never forget the day you passed away.
You will always and forever be in my heart even though your life never had chance to start. I love you so much and always will, my star in the sky wish I’d kissed you goodbye. I will love you forever xx
Your Mummy x
We won’t forget you. Love Mummy and Daddy and Lauren
When you left so suddenly, you broke my heart. I didn’t understand why and didn’t know how to move on. But I’ve very slowly come to understand that you weren’t meant to be, I just didn’t know it at the time. My heart has mended but there will always be a special place there for you, my sweetest little one. Know that I love you, that I often think about you and will never forget you. Be at peace now. All my love, Mummy xxx
I love you, I miss you and hope you are somewhere brightening up someone’s day. All my love Mum xxxxx
You brought so much happiness into our lives in such a short time. You will always have a special place in our hearts, Mummy and Daddy love you Always and Forever xxxxxxxxxx
In memory of Baby Woods, “Our Little Peanut”. Too beautiful for this world, who went to sleep on 01/12/2012.
Thanks x
To our Darling little peanut,
You were our miracle and all we ever wanted, but you were too beautiful for this world and you became an angel. We will never forget our peanut and always remember the excitement and joy of knowing you were inside my tummy and Daddy kissing you goodnight. Now sleep tight our little angel, remember when we look up and smile, it’s a special smile from us to you. We love you always and with all our heart and soul. Love from Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxxxx
Sleep tight we love you Mummy, Daddy and Peter xxx
I love you so very much and I think about you every single day. I’m sorry that daddy and I didn’t get to hold you and kiss you. I feel blessed that I could carry your beautiful little soul inside me. Daddy and I can’t wait to meet you on that special day in heaven. Watch over us, little one, we love you.
Your mommy and daddy
Love mummy and daddy xxxx
Baby pollard
You left us and I didn’t even know you had passed until I found out that day. I think of you every day and so does your dad you mean the world to us and your old brother James you will forever be in our hearts/thoughts love mummy and daddy xxxx
I’m still missing and thinking about you baby. You’ll always be in my heart xx Love you always Mum xxx
How very softly you tiptoed into our world, almost silently, only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts. 2014 should have been your first Christmas, but you went straight to Jesus’ arms instead. Your little grave we visit. Our hearts still ache with sadness, And secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, No-one can ever know.
We will love you as long as there are stars above you and beyond, your Mummy, Fiona xoxo
On 29th Of December you were cruelly taken from us. We had our hopes up every day that things would work out but sadly this was not the case. You were due 27th July 2015 and we will never forget you on this day as long as we live and love. Sadly you were the 4th little angle I hope you are all safe and happy and we will meet again one day. Love always m&d
We were so excited when we found out about you. We are so sad that you couldn’t stay, your big sisters would have adored you as much as we did.
Sleep tight little angel
Love Mummy and Daddy
Your due date was today. I’m sorry that today was not the joyous occasion it should have been. I know you are with me always my darling and I love you very much. I have carried you in my heart from the moment I knew you were in me and will soon carry you on my arm with Nan, so I can hug you close. Until we meet and I can hold you, you have my love forever to hold you. All my love mummy Xxxxxx
Goodbye my sunshine and twinkling star, we will always remember you. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What a shock you were, but the most wonderful shock I have ever had. The worst shock was finding out that your heart had stopped. My first and never forgotten little bean, not a day goes by without my love and thoughts. Mummy xxx
We tried for years to have you and when you finally came into our lives in September, you brought us joy beyond compare. We’ll never forget the magical sound of your heartbeat, the little waves you gave us when we saw you on scans and how much you already looked like your daddy at 18 weeks young.
Taken from us on December 30, you were just too perfect for this world. We know you’ll send a brother or sister to us soon but you will always be our firstborn. We love you so so much and we always will. Mummy Bear and Daddy Bear xxxx
From the surprise of finding out we were pregnant with you, to the day we lost you, we loved and still love you more than anything in this world. Our hearts break that I won’t feel you growing in my belly, that we won’t ever get to see your face, to hold you and watch you grow and hear you call us Mummy and Daddy. All we have is a picture in our minds of what could’ve been and we will hold that in our hearts forever. This pain may one day ease, but our love for you and what could’ve been will never fade or go away! Your mummy and Daddy love you always xxxx