Forget-me-not meadow no 35
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

We are broken hearted that that we will not be able to meet you. We love you and hope that you are up in Heaven meeting your puppy Duke and your brother or sister that went up there before you.We love you.
I tried so hard to make you and even harder to keep you. I couldn’t believe it when I saw your little heart beating on scan only to find out 3 weeks later that you were no longer with me. I don’t know why you were both chosen to return to heaven before I got to see your little faces or hold you in my arms. I guess in time I’ll understand god’s reason for taking you both too soon. I am very sad because I was supposed to finally meet you in June 2014 and March 2015 and was so excited about being your mummy. You will always be in my heart xx
Always know that you are special & we love you very much. You will always be part of our lives. Mummy & Daddy 04.12.13 xxx
The day we found out was the best feeling in the world, the happiness and joy when that 2nd line appeared on the test. Feeling you grow, protecting you & nurturing you was our bond that had already formed as mother and baby.On 5th February at 11.21am we were told that you were no longer with us and had flown off to be an angel.
As you fly off to be with the other angels please take your mummy and daddy’s love and know even though you were so small you were loved from the start not just by us but by your family.
You will always be our first and your memory will be cherished both on the day you were conceived 31st December 2014 and the day you were due 23rd September 2015.All our love always
Mummy & Daddy xxxx
Lots of kisses & hugs from
Nana Linda & Grandad Paul, Nana Denise & Papa Steve and both set of Great Grandparents xxxxxx
You left us nearly 2 years ago and my heart breaks each and every minute of the day. I wish you was here so much as does your brother Ethan & sisters Maya and Nicole. Your big sister Lana had a Baby Boy on New Years Day, he is beautiful – just like you – it breaks my heart that you are not here with us all as a family.
You left for a reason that I’ll never understand and forget…
You are my shining diamond in the sky and will be in my heart forevermore.
Please come back to me and daddy, please xx xx xx
sleep well cariad.My little diamond that never got to shine.Love you always,
Although you were never seen, I will always love you my little beans.For my angels. Love mummy. Xxx
Caden,I would’ve been your auntie and your mummy really loved you and we both wanted you so desperately and you would’ve been so gorgeous. But I guess your spirit wasn’t ready for our world yet but thank you for bringing us the joy you brought and always would’ve cared for you Remember we love you Caden Alfie Richards
love Auntie and Mummy xxx
It’s coming up to your second birthday and I have been thinking of you.
Here is a little poem for you to show we have not forgotten.Each night we shed a silent tear,
As we speak to you in prayer.
To let we know we love you,
And just how much we care.
Take our million tear drops,
Wrap them up in love.
Then ask the wind to carry them,
To you in heaven above.Keep shining bright
Love Mummy, Daddy and your New Baby Brother
You were the long awaited answer to our prayers. We can not believe that we have lost you. We often think of how you would be developing if you were still with us, and we could not wait for you arrival. Your big brother has been practicing, taking care of his baby doll. Know that even though we never met, we loved you with all our heart.
Every life that ever forms or ever comes to be
Touches the world in some small way for all eternity
The little one we longed for was swiftly here then gone
But the love that was then planted is a light that still shines onLove Mummy Daddy and Isabella
My message for my baby, due 5th March 2014.My dear darling, from the moment I knew I was expecting you I was loving you with all my heart. Although I love your daddy dearly I have never loved anyone like I love you, and I never even got to hold you! There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, and I’ll always love you. Sleep tight sweetie pie, mumma loves you!!
If we had made it to the due date, this would be the time I would be planning your first birthday, I’d already dreamed about your christening while I was carrying you, I hadn’t got to your first birthday yet, although now I wish I had dreamed of it before I lost you, then I’d know what I’m missing out on! I really miss you, not only that but i miss the life I had planned out for you, I’m so sorry I couldn’t bring you into this world but I need you to know that I had so many plans for you, I would have loved you forever, and I still will! I’m sorry I never got to hold your hand while you put your feet in the sea for the first time, or take you to your fist day at school, I’m so sorry that I didn’t manage to protect you while you when growing inside me, I tried my best to, but it wasn’t enough, you were still taken from me, now you’re gone I miss you every day!
You would have been a wonderful person, and the world would have been such a better place with you in in, that must be why loosing you hurts so bad! This pain is a reminder of just how happy you made me when you came into my life and I will never forget that feeling
Mammy and daddy never got to meet you as you were took from us too soon we love you and will never forget you love you always angel
You Left This Earth Way To Soon! Mommy Misses You So Much. Take Care If Your Cousin’s: Baby Dreven, And Baby Amos. Fly High With Them And Keep Them Safe. Tell Papaw Mommy Said She Misses Him! I Love You Sweet Londynn
Sending My Love ,
We were so happy when we found out that I was pregnant with you and were so excited that we were going to become a little family on 22nd September 2015.
Our hearts broke when you went up to heaven and we found out that we would never hold you in our arms but we will never forget you or forget the happiness you brought us.
Lots of love forever our little pea,
Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
forgetting is impossible.
We would have given the world for you but heaven got you instead. We loved you the moment we knew you were there and will love you all until the day we die.
If love was enough to stop you passing, you would have lived forever.Our three little angels
Remembered every year at this time and in our thoughts. With love from his mother Diana, his father Joe, his big sister Eileen and his younger brother Sean xxxx
I hope heaven is looking after you, sleep tight my baby boy.
I love you, always & Forever x
Gone from me but never my thoughts
Love you always
Mum xx
We may never of met face to face or even heard your heartbeat, but we knew you were there for 3 months.
Love you baby butler
Passed away: 6 march 2015
I never knew I was carrying you, and I’m so sorry I never got to know you before you had to go. But always know that Mummy and Daddy will never forget you and will always love you with all our hearts.Our eternal love,Mummy and Daddy xxxxx
Good bye may seem forever, farewell is like the end, but in my heart’s a memory and there you’ll always be.Love you xxxx
To our beautiful baby who we should have met on 7th September 2015.I carried you for eight special weeks and we were so looking forward to meeting you. You were taken from us on 8th February 2015, it breaks our hearts that we will never get to meet you but you will never be forgotten little darling. All our love xxx
To our baby who would have been born march 2015. When you left us you took a little piece of my heart with you. We will never forget you and will love you always. I hope you are with your brothers and sisters who went to heaven before you and we will all be together again.Love always,
Your mummy. X x
To our little buttonOn the 3rd April 2015 our hearts were broken. We were so excited to be pregnant with our first and for waiting so long. You are in heaven being looked after now. I will always love you. Mum and dad x
joy and happiness and you will always be loved.
Lots of love and hugs mummy and daddy xxxxx
Dear Baby of Taylor & Ani,You were on this earth, in your loving mother’s womb, within the embrace of your loving father, for long enough so that we all fell in love with you. We will love you & remember you for all the days of our lives. We mourn your passing but are grateful that you made your appearance. It has meant all the world to us.
Rest in peace, little precious one!
Love you always,
Grandma Neenie…
I cannot put into words just how much I love you,& will continue to love you for the rest of my days.
You’re life so terribly short, yet you’ve left a huge footprint in My heart.
Nan will keep you safe until we meet again, I love you my angel baby.
All our love forever Mummy & Daddy.xxxxxxxxx
Give me some rain
Give me another chance
I wanna grow up once againWe’ll miss you our little blossom, maman & daddy
We were so happy when we found out we were having you we see you on the screen and you waved to us we seen your little heart beat only to lose u 3 days later on Sunday 29th March 2015. My heart is broken we will never forget you. When we see a star in the sky we think it is you.
You will be missed every day and loved even more. If there was anything we could have done to bring you back in the world we would have.
Always in our hearts love mummy daddy your big sisters and all the family xx
Darling Sen,
We knew you for far too short a time, but you are still our baby. We will love you forever.
Mummy, Daddy and your Little Big Brother