Forget-me-not meadow no 37
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

I may have not carried you for long & we may never get to hold you or see your beautiful face, but you will forever be in our hearts.
We think about you all the time.
We wish we could give you lots of cuddles and kisses.
Mummy, Daddy and your big sister Poppy love you millions xxxx
It´s been hard for us to understand God´s plans in our lives. I just want to let you know that you gave us one of the best feelings in the world and the privilege to have you with us at least some weeks. I´m sure that you will send us lots of blessings, and the strength to keep more united and enjoy our unconditional love. Love you forever! Mom
You came into our life so unexpectedly and you were taken far too quickly but that doesn’t mean that your daddy and I were the proudest people in the world to say you were our little princess. I know we never met but I know you would have been the most amazing child. You will always be loved and you will always be in our hearts Sophie. Everywhere we go, you will always be with us.
Mummy and Daddy xx
I lost you in summer 2007 but Justine, Danielle and I will never forget you. I saw your heart beat on a screen. I’m sorry that I can’t give you the hopes and dreams I had wanted for you in this world but I am sure you are at peace in heaven with Mimi. “If God looks after every little bird that falls from the sky, how much more will he care for you.” Love and thoughts from Mum.
Mummy and Daddy xxx
To our little Angel.We am so sad to have lost you, but at least we know you are not up there alone as you have our 1st little angel up there with you. One day we hope to be able to hold one of our precious babies in our arms on earth, until our time comes to join you both and hold you both then.We love you both so much.Little Cherub 12.05.15 Little Angel 16.09.15 xxxMummy and Daddy xxx
Taken far to quickly one at 4 weeks and one at 12 weeks.
The excitement and love that I had for you when I knew you was in my tummy.
All the plans that we had for you we will now never get to do.
Take care of each other, grandad fretwell will be looking after you until we meet one day.Mummy and daddy love you so much xxxxxxTwo little Angels (21-06-15) & (17-09-15)
Dear Baby RobertsYou were a gift sent to us but left too soon at 11 weeks +3 on the 16th Sept 2015.
Bless you little one until we meet again.
Mummy & Daddy xxx
Little Pea
Today would have been your first birthday and we are so sad that you are not here. We think and talk about you often and you will never be forgotten. We know you are the brightest star in the sky and still love you so much.
Mummy and Daddy x
Whilst your physical life may have been taken, your essence and spirit will forever be in our hearts. You’re now a beautiful star shining down on us with Aunty Tish.
Our love for you means we will never forget you, as you were and will always be our hidden treasure.
All our love, forever and always, Mummy & Daddy xxSeptember 2015
Thank you for the most amazing 7 weeks 3 days of my life, your little angel heart stopped beating on 6.10.15.
Discovering our pregnancy we were absolutely over joyed. We had lots of hopes and dreams that we would all make real together when we saw your heartbeat at 6 weeks 5 days.
I tried all I could to keep you safe sweetheart and will never know why you have been taken from us. Hold hands tightly with our first angel baby taken 21.07.14. Your great grandad John will hold you both safe and please be the brightest, twinkliest stars so we can blow you both of lots of kisses.
Sleep tight my beautiful babies,
Mummy & Daddy xx
In summer 2015 we were three.
After trying for over a year, you were our first child, only alive for 5 weeks but we never knew this until later.
We never saw your heartbeat. We never saw your face. But we will never forget the fleeting joy you brought to us.
Your mummy and daddy love you very much. We wish you well for your next life…
K and N.
Although I may never have held you, I hold you in my heart forever.
Not a day goes by where I don’t think about what should have been.
Although our time was brief, it was special and I will never forget it.
I have never been so happy, I miss being happy and most of all I miss you.
One day I hope that we can have children and that you will both live within them.
Love you always and forever.Mummy and Daddy xxx
I’ll always wonder who you would have been. I loved you before I could hold you. Mummy x
Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you. You will always be our first baby and always so very loved. We know you’re always watching down over us. Although we never got to meet you or hear your heartbeat, you’re missed so very much. Mommy and Daddy love you forever and always!
You were taken from us far too soon, it has hurt so much to know that we lost you before we even got the chance to hold you. Mamma and I would have been the perfect, proud parents for you. We have a special little place where we go to remember you – you will never leave our hearts. Hopefully we’ll see you in heaven when we get there. Love as always, Mamma and Daddy xxx
Dear Baby
I miss you so much – I feel empty without you. Know that you were loved and wanted so badly. I will never forget you. You were a ray of light at a very dark time. A piece of my heart will always be with you xxxxx
Love you, Kate x
You filled me to the brim with joy and hope My best ever days Thank you for that We carry you in our hearts tiny bean And love you so fullyMummy & Daddy
Love you so much
Love from mummy and daddy. Xxxxxx
17th March 2008 – 8 Weeks
15th March 2013 – 12 Weeks
17th June 2013 – 6 Weeks
Me and Daddy were so excited to be expecting you, our rainbow baby. When two pink lines appeared on the test we were excited. We fell in love but we understand why baby. Have fun up there in the sky with Franky pie. We love you both.
Love mummy and daddy xx
5 years ago I lost you but you are always close in my heart. As I celebrate Jacobs 4th Birthday on the same day amidst my joy and happiness at watching him grow and develop a thought and sadness will always be there for you. I love you little one, sweet dreams. xxx Mummy 12/01/16
Too small, too soon, not yet fully developed…but god decided to take you all the same our little angel…you would now be approaching 5yrs old…now a spirit in the care of family who have passed before you…not a day goes by that I don’t think of you…they say time heals…but there is still an ache in my heart a little but significant hole I cannot fill till we meet till I can hold you in my arms as my family do in heaven with you now xx Watch over us my angel….my little darling…I forget you not xxxx
Our little one
Today 11/1/16 we wd have met you, looked upon and kissed your beautiful face and held u close forever.
We were so happy and surprised when you came along. We dreamed all about our future together. Losing you has made us so very sad, our wee baby. You will always be in our hearts forever. We wished you had stayed.
You are an angel now and always.
Love Mummy & Daddy x
about all 5 of you every single day, I loved you all from the moment I knew
you were there. I hope you all have found each other, save a seat for mummy
& daddy.
Another due date and year has passed, when you were supposed to brighten my life. I am feeling a little less lost and saddened by your absence and am coping better in life but please know you are never forgotten and so very special to me. If I could choose it to be another way I would be holding you on your 1st birthday now.
You’re forever tucked in my heart.
All my love Mummy
I will like you forever, i will love you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.
I didn’t get around to kiss you goodbye on the hand. I remember the day you slipped away, the day I found it won’t be the same. You, my beautiful boy are up there with the angels. Floating like a cherub through the clouds. i’ll remember you always. My heart aches for you. I wish i could hold you every day. Mason Edmund Moore i love you always.
Love your mummy. My angel.
June- born 2.3.15 at 6 weeks
Tal – born 9.12.15 at 8 weeksI will always love you so much and I will never get over losing any of you, ever. Never ever forget how much I love you
I fell in love with you the moment I learnt that I was going to be a Mummy and I will spend the rest of my life loving you just as much.
Although you are not with me in body, you will always be with me in spirit and in my heart.
I love you my little angel,
Forever your Mummy xxx