Forget-me-not meadow no 38
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

I’m so sorry that we never met, that I never got to hold you in my arms.
It’s comforting to know that your grandad (my dad) is there to watch over you.
Always and forever in my heart.
I love you,
Mommy xxxx
9w 23-11-2011
5w 9-11-2015
8w 18-01-2016
Mummy and daddy love you
Forever in our hearts, sleep tight.
Love mummy and daddy xxx
To Our Beautiful Baby,
You were only physically in our lives for 8 weeks.
But you will remain in our hearts forever.
Love Mummy, Daddy, Igor and Isabella
I only got to cherish you for 9 weeks and 3 days and although we never got to meet you we will love you forever. Not a day goes by we don’t miss you, but when I look at the stars I know you’re there smiling down on us.
Love mummy and daddy xxx
Mummy xxxx
Little Shrimp – you were not only already much loved, but you had completely changed our lives for the better. It pains me that I will never meet the person who had effected the biggest change in my outlook on life. We will never forget you.
Lots of love, Mummy, Daddy, Charlie & Jack. x
Words can’t describe how we feel so here’s a little message to say how much mummy and daddy are going to miss you, our precious little bump. We may not have held you but we will always love you.
Love from mummy and daddy
Dominique and Jay.
Xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
An angel in the book of life wrote down our baby’s birth, and whispered as she closed the book, too beautiful for earth.
We will never forget you 24.02.2016
Love Mummy & Daddy xx
Your loving mummy xxx
I can’t describe the joy you brought me for three months, I will never forget you and your fast little heartbeat. Thank you for coming into my life, you made me so happy to carry you, even for a short time. I think of you being born now, but it wasn’t to be. All my love, Claire.
Love always,Mum
I will never forget you.
Too eager to say hello, too small to stay.
A cuddle with you will last a lifetime,
A piece of my heart went with you on the 25/2/16.
(21weeks 6 days).Love you forever our beautiful little girl
Sending you all my love on your due date (16.03.16). I will always miss you and think about you every day. Mummy xxxxxxx
I’m sorry you didn’t see the world, and meet you big brother and even tho you didn’t have a heartbeat, we still knew you were there.
Your mum and dad will never forget you, maybe in our next life we will get to meet you and give the love that was waiting for you xxxx
All our love
Mummy and Daddy
We only knew about you for a very short time, but you made us so incredibly happy and filled our lives with hopes and plans for the future. We are so sorry to not be able to meet you, we were so very much looking forward to it.
You are very loved, and we will never forget you.
Sleep well little one.
March 2016
Forever in our hearts, Sleep well in heaven
Our little cherub, left to soon
All our love mummy Maria and daddy Richard xx
Hey little jelly bean
You slipped away without even saying goodbye, before we could even see you. I just want to tell you that mommy and daddy love you and will always miss you, our first baby. It was five weeks of unmeasurable joy. Heaven must have needed you very badly my little angel.
Lots of love
Mom & dad
You will always be our baby #5 that we loved and lost.
04/10/2016 was your grand arrival
Baby Challis due November 2016
My little one
You have left us too soon
Though my body can no longer hold you
I hold you forever in my heart
As precious and beautiful as this flower caught in time
A mother’s love does not forget
Miscarriage- Baby Katie 15/04/2006
Losing someone special before we even had the chance to know you were there is hard.
You grew your wings early but forever in our hearts.
You’ll always have a place in our home and our hearts.
Forever loved
We will forever cherish the weeks in which I carried you. We will never forget our hopes and dreams for you. You are loved and will never be forgotten. We will see you again, our sweetheart. RIP baby Bundy xxxxxx
I lost my baby at 6 weeks on 4/9/16. This was my first baby. Please say a prayer for him and for us to have a healthy baby next time 🙁 May my sweet little baby rest in peace up with Jesus and my daddy. I love you forever and with all my heart, baby. I can’t wait to see your sweet face someday!
It combined with my river of tears
I watched as you floated off down stream
Thinking of all of our stolen yearsThe sun came back out and the Spring came
Because for others, life had moved on
In my broken heart it’s still raining
For my dear, precious babies are gone
Off playing where the Sun meets the StarsYou and I will Live Forever
Mummy and Daddy xxxx
Even though I only knew you were growing inside me for a short while, I loved you so very much and I always will.
Sleep well my beautiful.
I hope one day to be able to tell your brothers or sisters about our star in the sky. Xx
Hey little one
Today we found out you only made it to 10 weeks and no heartbeat was found.
We wanted you so much and we are heartbroken but you have your sister up there with you and please look over your big sister and brother who was so excited for your arrival. I’ll never forget you and know you were too beautiful for earth.
Mummy and daddy xxxx
In this case it wasn’t meant to be, so sorry you didn’t make it, our baby xx
Happy birthday little one. We are thinking of you today especially but you are with us every day in our hearts. Your brother is doing really well and he’s a happy little boy like you. We love you and miss you every day darling.
Mummy and Daddy xx
I named you Avra because it means warm breeze from the ocean.
And with each sweet breeze I remember the peace, joy, tranquillity and beauty you brought for 8 precious weeks.
I know that you are playing happily with our illustrious ancestors now, and that they are enveloping you with love (give Aunt B and Grandpapa our love!).
I promise that with every warm, sweet-scented breeze I will remember and honour you.
Eternally yours,
You made our family complete.
We loved you from the second we knew you were there.
We loved reading up on your progress as the weeks passed.
We were so excited to go in for the scan to see you for the first time.
Sadly our bubble burst that day and you’d stopped growing at 10 weeks. It hurts so much.
You’ll always be our first baby. And we’ll love you forever.
Sweet dreams. xxx
Dearest Baby Jack
Our hearts are broken because you were taken away from our family far too soon. Not a day goes by where we do not think about you. We love you handsome boy and know we will see you again, you are forever in our hearts and in heaven with our darling baby grape.
All our love always mummy, daddy and your big sister Chloe xx
To my babies lost 9/2010 and 12/2010.
I have been thinking a lot of you lately. Even though Marissa has helped me heal, I still think of my two beautiful children and what could have been. My heart is heavy lately. I know life is unfair, and cruel. I also know that life can be full of love and joy. Please watch over me, daddy and Marissa. I also will never hide you from Marissa, she will know how much we wanted you, and loved you very much.
Love always and forever my sweet angels
Not a day passes when I don’t think about what you might have looked like or how your laugh would sound.
I never got to hold or see you but I still miss you every day.
Until I can hold you tight, I send my love instead xx
You gave me more than you’ll ever know. Taken far before your time… I’ll never forget you, take care of your brothers and sisters up in the clouds. Watch over me and your auntie, maybe we’ll see you in the next life. I’ll love you forever.
Mum xxx