Forget-me-not meadow no 41
Roll your mouse over the flowers to read the messages.

My Precious Beans,
I am so heartbroken I will never get to meet you or hold you, I miss the three of you every day and I am no closer to finding peace with my loss. I know you have each other to love until I can love you myself. I will never forget the brief happiness you gave me and I will hold on to that until my dying day. Love mummy xxxx
Our 3rd Angel Baby taken 3rd Jan 2017.
We will never understand why you have all been taken our beautiful babies. Again we did all we could to keep you safe and had every treatment possible so that one day I would hold you in my arms. My heart broke as I knew you were slowly slipping away.
My little sweethearts all hold hands together and always know that mummy and daddy love you all so very much. Great Grandad & Great Grandma will give you lots of hugs and kisses from Daddy and I. Play nicely lots of love and cuddles xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sweet dreams my darling Daniel.
Lots of love mummy and Paddy xxxxx
I didn’t know you for very long but I saw you in my whole future. As I lay my hands on my tummy I imagined when I’d first hold you in my arms and when we would introduce you to your big brother Oscar. I wish I knew why you couldn’t stay and why I couldn’t protect you. Already you were loved so much. And I still love you very much and will always think of you. I’m heartbroken that you are gone but we will see you again one day in heaven. Love you Our Angel in the sky. Mummy, Daddy and Oscar xxxxx
It’s a bright frosty morning today, and we have not lost all hope;
But we have been forced to say good bye to you, little one,
As sadly you are not for this world.
We had been, cautiously,
So pleased to see your heart beat and little tiny form at six weeks, after the uncertainty of the week before…
and the miracle of your natural conception after four failed IVF attempts,
But alas;
Cruel history has repeated itself four years on,
We love you,
We will remember you always,
Bye bye Baby
I had carried you both for a very short time, but I will always cherish you both. August 22, 2015 I lost my second. I named you August for me to remember. January 2, 2017 I lost my third. I named you January so I will remember. Mama, papa and your older sister will always cherish you and keep you in our hearts.
jennifer san jose
To My Darling Babe,
I am so glad you existed, even for a short while. You made me and your daddy so very happy. I know now we were destined never to meet, but you will always be in my heart forever more, I will never forget you.
Love You Always
Mummy xxxx
Dear love gremlin
Even though you were only with us for such a short time our love for you was so strong.
I wish I knew what caused you to go & why I couldn’t prevent it.
I’m sad that I will never get to meet you & see your perfect face.
We’ve been robbed of all the marvellous plans & dreams we had for us.
You’ll be my baby for as long as I live.
Rest in peace my darling little one, our love for you will never disappear.
Born Sleeping on the 16th of October 2015
Every Day I Shall Look For Moments Full Of You.Ava-Elizabeth Rose Findlay
Born Sleeping on the 20th of November 2016
Every Day I Shall Look For Moments Full Of You.
There are no words to express how much we miss you and wish you had stayed with us. For 18weeks we believed you were our rainbow. I am so glad I got to meet you, and hold you and say goodbye. We all love you very much and always will xxxx
I will forever love you,
I will forever miss you.
I will forever want you,
I will forever.
– Mam
Too Beautiful for Earth
27th January 2017
To our Baby C
We saw your heart beat on the 8th week we lost you a week later, you are forever in our hearts and we miss you.
Though we
Never saw you,
Never kissed you,
Never held you….
We will always love you
Love Mummy & Daddy,
James,Chelsea & Jessica
When we found out we had been blessed with you it made us very happy. We were looking forward to meeting you and holding you tight. Mummy and daddy miss you and will always love you,, sleep tight little angel
Love you
Mummy and daddy
You will always hold a place in my heart.
always in our hearts and thoughts will never be forgotten.
10 weeks
Today we had to say goodbye.
Mummy and Daddy were so happy you existed, even though it was for a short time, our love for you was very strong.
Your big sister Rosie would have been so excited to meet you.
We will never forget you sweet baby.
Lots of love and cuddles from Mummy, Daddy & Rosie xxxxxxxxxx
It’s a year since we found out we had lost you. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and wonder what could have been. I want you to know that even though your life was incredibly short, you were loved for every single one of those days.
Your daddy and I aren’t together anymore, but I know he loved you too.
Thank you for making me a mommy.
I will love you for always
you would have been my first bundle of joy, and one that I’ve waited so long for.. I’m sorry I couldn’t look after you for longer than 13 weeks, but I did try, I promise. I’ll never forget you and how happy you made me and your daddy for this short time. When your heart didn’t beat for us during the scan, a piece of my heart died with you, you are not alone..
Love you to the moon and back little one.. x x
I didn’t carry you for very long. But me & your daddy were so excited when we found out we was expecting again. Your sister Phoebe would of been the best big sister. Unfortunately you had to leave us early, you was not ready for this world. But we was not ready to say goodbye so soon. We will carry you in our hearts always & never forget you our little angel.
With all our love always mummy, daddy & Phoebe
All my love Mummy xxx
Mummy loves you and will never forget you xx
And every fibre of my being.
And always will,
Your grandma n great grandparents
will look after you and with your other angel baby siblings.
Meet you at the gates when it’s time for me to come home.
God bless you xxx
To my Little Bean,
I’m so sad you couldn’t stay. Just know even though your life was short you were loved and wanted for every minute of it. Love and miss you always,
Dear Little Happy Prince,
Today would be your 3rd birthday. We miss you so much little one. You will always be part of our lives and we wish we could give you some presents and cuddles.
We all love you so much.
Mummy, Daddy and Dylan xxx
Mummy and daddy love you. Forever in our hearts and cannot wait to meet you one day soon xxxx
Our precious little princess, We found out about you when you had been growing for 12 weeks, when we found out you were coming we were thrilled. Then 4 weeks later you left this world. You would be a month old now and the pain hasn’t got any easier. We love you and miss you Emily. Love mummy and daddy xx
No first crawl
No first smile
No first cuddle
No first kick
No first scan
But you were our first loveNo baby is too small to be longed for or too small to be remembered, we have never stopped missing you since we lost you on Valentine’s Day 2017.No matter how tiny you were, you existed, and we are so glad you blessed our lives even for the shortest time.
Love always, mummy and daddy xx
Forever in our hearts, mummy and daddy x