Lights of love tree 2012
Roll your mouse over the lights to read the messages.

To our 7 beautiful angels
we didn’t get to meet any of you but that doesn’t stop us from loving and missing you all i’m so sorry i couldn’t protect you when you needed me the most and i hate myself for it my heart aches every second of everyday your big sister is 3 now and really wants a brother or sister to play with when she is old enough i will tell her all about you and that she is a very lucky girl to have 7 angels in heaven watching over her xxxxxxxxxxx
My beautiful Angel Alix,
A star shining so brightly in the sky, watching over us and lighting up the night. Our third Christmas without you after losing you in November 2009 but you are always in my heart and my thoughts. We will meet one day my sweetheart and I will hold you close and see your sweet smiling face. You are a very precious part of my family and your brothers would have loved you if they had got the chance to meet you. Stay close to Grandad my precious one. I love you so very very much. Forever in my heart and missed dearly, my beautiful Angel Alix.
Big cuddles and lots of kisses
Love you forever
Mummy xxxxx
Can just imagine what your grandparents would have been like, fussing and spoiling you. Instead we are lost without you, your tiny little foot print has changed our world forever. You’re our special little star, our little angel, we love you so much. We know on Christmas morning, you will be with us and you will not be forgotten.
Although we never met, i miss you so much.
We named you David after you left because it means
I wish you never had to leave me. I know
God has better plans for us but not the plans I wanted.
This would have been your first Christmas. Its
killing me knowing you won’t be here for everyone to spoil.
It also almost been a year since we found out we weren’t having you.
I hope you are looking down on us and celebrating the Holidays with
all those other boys and girls who can’t be with their parents. I
can’t wait to hold you and finally meet you one day.
Love always and forever you mommy!
Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas. Just wish things had been different and you could both be here opening your present and Enjoying Christmas like children should be. I know Heavenly Father has you in his care and is looking after you but always remember I will always be your mummy forever and ever and will be with you again one day and I will hold you in my arms and never let you go.
Lots of love Mummy xx
To our beautiful angel May,
You’ve been gone for over a month and we’re devastated we never got to meet you. There are no words to express our grief but we love you so much and you will always be in our hearts.
Lots of love, both your mummies xxxx
Dear our little angel Lilyann 30/6/2012
Mummy & Daddy miss you so much and looked forward to loving and caring for you so much but perhaps God didn’t think it was time for us to have you. We hope to make you proud by creating a great future for ourselves and any future siblings you might have. You are our inspiration, our wee sweetheart and we wish we had the chance to see you, cuddle you and love you everyday. This Christmas we have our own small bauble with your name on it and a candle to burn in your memory and will always remember you and always love you. Merry Christmas, Lilyann McKenna xxxx
It’s been four months and we think about you every day.
Shine brightly baby this Christmas and watch over us.
Lots of love,
M & K xx
it’s been 2 years since we lost you but we still think about you each and every day
you have 2 little brothers who would love to have met you but carry you in there heart
we will all be thinking about you on christmas day our tiny miricale, happy xmas sweetheart
mummy daddy and your 2 brothers love you with every beat in our heart xxxxxx
He needed you as little stars to guide us on our way
And when the wind blows in our hair
We hear you whisper in our ear
“We love you as we would have done if we were there with you
But we show our love in different ways to try to help you through”.
love and miss you always
Mommy, Daddy, brother and sisters.
We miss you so much. It gives us comfort knowing that you are now both together in Heaven.
Mummy will never forget you. So many special dates throughout the year will make my pain harder to bear and bring tears to my eyes.
One day I know I will meet you both and at last be able to hold you in my arms.
Love Mummy, Daddy, Alice-May & Poppy
So sad you didn’t make it but you are always in our hearts our precious little angels.
Sleep tite in heaven our little stars, can’t wait to meet you one day, love always mummy and daddy xxxxxx
We think about you every day and love you dearly. You will always be our Christmas Angel.
Lots of love always and forever
Mummy and Daddy
Loved and sadly missed each and every day.
My Precious Baby, I want you to know how much I love you and ache to hold you in my arms. You should be 8 weeks old today, and I miss you every minute of every day. I would give anything to wake up on Christmas morning and have you with me. You gave me so much joy in the short time you were with me. Daddy said he wished I could have seen my face when I first saw you on the scan. I was just so, so happy. Nothing seems the same now you’re gone.
I will light lots of candles for you over Christmas. You will be in my heart forever. I love you so much, and pray that you are safe with Jesus. Mummy xxxxxx
Always in our hearts, forever with us.
Love you all so much, mammy, daddy, Ella and Nathan xxx
If this year has taught me anything, it is that I have the capacity to love like i never thought I would, and that things don’t always go as planned.
This would have been Big Bean’s first Christmas and Little Bean should have been happily baking away in my tummy at the moment.
I think about you both all the time and I wish there was something I could have done.
With all my love always=
These arms will stay empty, cold and weak Never to look upon your beautiful feet In a room full of people i feel alone, I’m missing a bump, a sign that you’ve grown.
I had to have you removed today, you were there and next you were gone A little piece of my heart left right then, a piece of me ill never get back again.
Fair well my baby, you will be missed.
Each December 19th i’ll blow you a kiss.
Mummy xxx
Thinking of you all at Christmas and Always
Mummy & Daddy and your sister Jade & brother Joe
I just hope that you are with the angels now and if I am ever lucky enough to be pregnant again you will watch over your brother or sister.
You will never be forgotten, Love your mummy and daddy xxxxxxx
Abre as saus as e voar…bolboreta. xx
We miss you, sweet Harriet, our first born darling daughter, and older sister to baby Kate x
You were loved from the day you were planned to the day you were born sleeping. We will always love, miss and cherish you, darling Harriet xxxxxxx Tears will never dry xxxxxxx Kisses to you in Heaven at xmas time 2012 and always. Play with the other cherished angels, and snuggle with the darling dachsies. Much Love from Mummy, Daddy, and baby sister, Kate xxx Love also sent from all those beautiful people who kindly think of you daily, Harriet – especially caring are Aunty Jo, Maxine, Amy, Heather and Angela K xxxx Sleep soundly, our little star xxxxxx
We are so sorry that we never got to meet you. We should have been cuddling you by now. Christmas will not be the same without you. We still miss you every day. With lots of love Mummy and Daddy and big brother D
(28.03.2007)Five years have passed so quickly but in that passage of time you’ve never been forgotten.
We miss you every day sweetheart.
In love and with love, you were created and it’s in love and with love that you will always be alive.
With love forever and always,
Mummy, Daddy & your big brother
Another Christmas another one you should have been a part of.
You will always be a part of our family and will never be forgotten.
to our special baby, hope you are having a lovely christmas wherever yu are. we love and miss you always thinking of you always
lots of love mammy and daddy xxx
Three months have passed since that horrible day but there’s not a minute that goes by when I don’t think about you. If only you could have stayed life would be so different right now. Today is especially hard as it’s Christmas Eve, and somewhere I’ve got to find the smiles to put on for everyone else’s sake when inside my heart is breaking. Keep shining bright up in the sky & remember mummy will always love you xx
but will always be in my heart,
loved and missed very much my angel xxxx