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Using the internet when pregnant after miscarriage

Easy access to the internet can be both a blessing and a curse when you are pregnant after a miscarriage*.

The internet can help you find information and support whenever you need it. On the other hand, there is a lot of misinformation, difficult experiences and upsetting images online. Different content can affect people in different ways. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming.

On this page we share some suggestions for ways to manage your relationship with search engines and use the internet safely and mindfully during your pregnancy.

* Please note that we often use the term ‘pregnancy loss’ to include miscarriage, ectopic and molar pregnancy. But sometimes, using the word ‘miscarriage’ for all three makes it easier for people to find the information they’re looking for online when using a search engine.

Searching for information and reassurance

When you have a question or concern about your pregnancy, the ideal course of action would be to speak to your midwife (if you have one yet), doctor or Early Pregnancy Unit. But it can take almost impossible strength to wait for an appointment or phone call when it’s so easy to search online.

If you need to look for answers online, try to be mindful of why you are searching.


Your articles were really informative and reassuring. I consciously didn’t look elsewhere.



I did some really deep dives into Google, looking for that elusive statistic that would reassure me. I haven’t ever told anyone about them, not even my husband.


Online support

There is a lot of really good support online, but it is important to use it in a way that works for you.

The Miscarriage Association Pregnancy after Loss Facebook groups and forum

Our Pregnancy after Loss Facebook groups and forum section are online spaces specifically for people who are pregnant after loss. They can help you feel less isolated.

We have two Facebook groups for people who are pregnant after loss, one for those in early pregnancy and one for those in the second and third trimesters.

“It’s helpful to hear lots of women going through similar experiences – particularly emotional reactions and how to cope.”

People use them to:

Some people have told us that online groups are not always helpful for them. Being exposed to the anxieties of others can sometimes be overwhelming or triggering.

We asked our members how they look after themselves while looking for support in online groups.

Other online support

The Miscarriage Association also runs a monthly support group on Zoom for people who are pregnant after loss. If you are not sure whether this is for you, it is OK to come along and leave at any point.

The PAL Zoom was helpful as hearing from other women helped me feel more understood. But on the other hand, once I had the 13 week scan, I decided not to attend again as I was worried others’ anxiety would feed into mine.

We also offer an email and live chat helpline service. These can be useful if you would like to look for one-to-one support online.

 We have more general information on using our online support services here.