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The Box – an illustrated booklet by artist Alice Griffin


This beautifully-illustrated booklet is artist Alice Griffin’s attempt to make sense of her missed miscarriage in October 2022.

Across 36 pages she tells the moving story of her pregnancy, its subsequent loss and her grief.

With Alice’s kind permission, we are making this booklet available for just a small charge to cover postage and packing costs.


173 in stock



Across 36 pages she tells the moving story of her pregnancy, its subsequent loss and her grief.

With Alice’s kind permission, we are making this booklet available for just a small charge to cover postage and packing costs.

Alice writes: “In October 2022, I had a miscarriage. It was a missed miscarriage and we found out at our 12 week scan.

“In the days and weeks that followed I started drawing and writing in the notes app on my phone, little snapshots from the last few months of my pregnancy and the miscarriage. I think my brain was just trying to make sense of what had happened.

“It was quite an isolating time as I didn’t know many people who had been through it and I knew no one that was going through it at the same time. I have tried to be as open about my experiences as I can be, for some reason miscarriage is still such a taboo subject despite so many people experiencing it.”

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